
Wendy James exposes a media darling and girl-power icon in new domestic noir novel The Accusation

In an age where spotlight-hungry fraudsters are exposed with shocking regularity, new domestic noir hit The Accusation poses questions about frauds, media darlings and girl power.

Edwina Bartholomew talks to the author of 'The Ones You Trust'

Wendy James deals in domestic noir* — and her latest novel mines this theme, focusing on an apparent kidnapping victim who becomes a media darling and girl-power icon … until people start questioning whether she is telling the truth.

Written in an age where spotlight-hungry fraudsters are exposed with shocking regularity, The Accusation is the award-winning Aussie’s eighth novel. Today she’s the one under interrogation as she answers the Sunday Book Club Ten.

The Accusation by Wendy James.
The Accusation by Wendy James.

1. Give us the elevator pitch for your new book, The Accusation

The Accusation tells the story of two women — mother and daughter — accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and holding her captive for a month. Like all my work, this novel is about seemingly decent, ordinary people who suddenly find themselves in an extraordinary situation. But this time the reader isn’t quite certain who the decent people are — all the characters are sympathetic, and their stories seem plausible. So who’s the victim and who’s the villain? Somebody must be lying. But who? And why? The novel also takes a look at celebrity culture, social media, the court of public opinion, mobs (online and IRL) and ‘fake news’.

2. What inspired the idea behind the book?

The book is based on an 18th century scandal known as the Canning Affair. This was fictionalised in the late 1940s by the great English crime writer Josephine Tey in her novel The Franchise Affair, which I read and enjoyed many years ago. A couple of years ago I came across an article on the Tey novel by Sarah Waters that got me thinking about how things might pan out if this story was to be set in the contemporary world. You’d think my 21st century version would be a long way from the 18th century, but there are some interesting parallels between the two eras — especially when it comes to the anarchic and polarising nature of the media and the way stories like this are sensationalised.

3. Are your characters based on real people? Or are they completely fictional?

It’s always a bit of a mix. Fictional characters always seem to contain elements of real people in among the entirely made up parts. Sometimes I’m not even aware of it — my husband just read The Accusation and assumed that one of the characters (not saying!) had been based on an old friend. It had actually never occurred to me, but now I’m thinking maybe he was right.

4. Why do you think we’re so fascinated with missing children, especially girls, in our storytelling?

It’s certainly a recurrent theme in Australian literature; and there are lots of theories about why. Almost all of my novels deal with missing children in some way, and I think for me it’s connected to motherhood. It’s a very primal maternal fear — a child going missing — and perhaps the biggest ‘what if’ of all. I had a lot of fun playing with this idea from both sides in The Accusation — our sympathy is automatically with the abducted girl, but the alleged kidnapper is equally sympathetic, and has her own lost girl story.

5. Which do you think is more important in crime writing; character or plot?

Both! Novels are a bit like life, I reckon — it’s impossible to separate nature (character) from nurture (plot).

6. How much of the plot do you have worked out before you start writing your first draft? Do you always know what’s going to happen?

Every book is a little bit different, although I generally have a basic idea of where I’m heading. Occasionally though, novels have developed in ways I really didn’t expect. In The Steele Diaries, for instance, a character’s development meant that a particular (and crucial) element of the plot just wasn’t plausible, so the plot had to change. And in Where Have You Been? I really didn’t know ‘who-dunnit’ until the end. Oddly enough, the suspense really isn’t all that fun when you’re the writer (a bit like driving in the dark with no headlights) although I think it works well for the reader.

Wendy James’ debut Out of the Silence won a Ned Kelly Award for first crime novel.
Wendy James’ debut Out of the Silence won a Ned Kelly Award for first crime novel.

7. Crime is hugely popular at the moment, both fact and fiction. Why do you think that is?

Perhaps it’s because crime fiction generally involves resolution and redemption — in the end the good are vindicated and the bad are punished — which is especially reassuring in uncertain times. There might be something else going on with true crime though; real life isn’t quite as satisfying or fair.

8. Do you think different elements appeal to female and male readers?

I think it’s possible that they do — but these things are so very individual. My books tend to be pretty female-centric — in nearly all of them both the villains and heroines are women — but I like to think I’m writing for a male readership, too.

9. Are audiobooks and podcasts your thing?

I love podcasts and audio, but I tend to listen to non-fiction more than fiction for some reason.

10. What are you reading/listening to/watching at the moment?

I’m reading about the radical student movements of the late sixties and seventies, and bingeing on CS Lewis and Chesterton. It’s quite a strange combination.

And a bonus question … What’s next for you?

The next novel will be set partly in that long-ago world — the counterculture, I mean, not Narnia.

*Domestic noir is a crime fiction sub-genre, characterised mainly by plots that take place in hoes and workplaces, often with a focus on the female experience.

The Accusation, by Wendy James, is published by HarperCollins Australia.


Our Book of the Month for May is the Tiger Catcher — the first in Paullina Simons’ groundbreaking new trilogy. Readers get it for 30 per cent off by going to Booktopia and using the code NCBT19. And remember the Sunday Book Club group on Facebook is always open for chat, reviews and recommendations.

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