
Ivanka Trump secures West Wing office, despite not serving as government employee

SHE’S not a government employee, but that hasn’t stopped first daughter Ivanka Trump from receiving an office and security clearance in the West Wing.

FBI's Comey Confirms Russia Investigation

AFTER saying she would play no formal role in her father’s administration, Ivanka Trump has secured her own office on the West Wing’s second floor.

According to Politico, Ivanka will take a space next to senior adviser Diana Powell, who was recently promoted to a position on the National Security Council.

Jamie Gorelick, an lawyer and ethics adviser for Ivanka Trump, said the first daughter will not have an official title, but will get a West Wing office, government-issued communications devices and security clearance to access classified information.

Gorelick said Ivanka Trump would follow all the ethics rules that apply to government employees.

It was also reported she was in the process of obtaining security clearance and is set to receive government-issued communications devices this week.

Ivanka Trump is setting up shop in the White House. Picture: AFP
Ivanka Trump is setting up shop in the White House. Picture: AFP

Politico reported her role, according to her attorney Jamie Gorelick, will be to serve as the President’s “eyes and ears” while providing broad-ranging advice, not just limited to women’s empowerment issues.

Since President Donald Trump took office, his eldest daughter has been an increasingly visible presence in the White House, where her husband Jared Kushner already serves as a senior adviser.

On Friday, she participated in a meeting on vocational training with her father and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Ivanka will reportedly be the President’s ‘eyes and ears’. Picture: AP
Ivanka will reportedly be the President’s ‘eyes and ears’. Picture: AP


FORMER top Clinton aides have slammed FBI Director James Comey over the delayed disclosure of the FBI’s investigation into potential collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Ms Clinton’s former press secretary, Brian Fallon, vented his frustration over Twitter. He noted Comey acknowledged receiving Department of Justice approval to publicly reveal his agency’s investigation into potential collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia, tweeting it was “An approval he did not care to obtain in Clinton’s case.”

Fallon joined other Clinton advisers in questioning why the revelation that the FBI was investigating Trump’s campaign as of late July wasn’t disclosed by Comey until now.

“Doing some jobs right requires being in the news every day, becoming a household name, enraging everyone,” wrote longtime Clinton aide Philippe Reines, who played Trump during her debate prep.

“FBI Director isn’t one of them.”

Former Clinton communications staffer Tyrone Gayle, now the press secretary for California senator Kamala Harris also shared his thoughts.


FBI Director James Comey has confirmed the bureau is investigating possible links and collusion between Russia and associates of President Donald Trump, including whether any crimes were committed.

Under questioning by the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, he also rejected President Trump’s unproven claim that former President Barack Obama ordered a “wire-tap” on Trump Tower last year,

As top Democrats demanded that Mr Trump retract his claims, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the US president would not provide comment until the hearing was wrapped up.

“With respect to the president’s tweets about alleged wire-tapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets,” Mr Comey told the House panel, led by the committee’s top Democrat, Adam Schiff.

“And we have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components: the department has no information that supports those tweets.”

Mr Trump sparked controversy in early March when he tweeted, without giving evidence, that the Obama administration had wire-tapped Trump Tower in New York.

During the hearing, Mr Comey said that no individual can order surveillance of an American, adding that only courts can grant this permission after a rigorous application process.

Mr Comey also confirmed the agency was investigating possible Russian government efforts to interfere in the 2016 US election, including any links between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

The probe “includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any co-ordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.

“Because it is an open, ongoing investigation and is classified, I cannot say more about what we are doing and whose conduct we are examining,” Mr Comey said.

FBI Director James Comey has confirmed there is no evidence to support Donald Trump’s wire-tap claim. Picture: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
FBI Director James Comey has confirmed there is no evidence to support Donald Trump’s wire-tap claim. Picture: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia tried to help Mr Trump by hacking leading Democrats’ emails. Mr Comey said Moscow had long been opposed to Mr Trump’s election rival, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

“I think that was a fairly easy judgment for the (intelligence) community,” he said. “Putin hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.”

In his opening statement, Mr Comey acknowledged that the FBI does not ordinarily discuss ongoing investigations, but said he’d been authorised to do so given the extreme public interest in this case.

National Security Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, testified that the intelligence community stands behind its January assessment that it is highly confident Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the goal of electing Mr Trump. He said that his agency is working to provide Congress the material it needs to investigate the intelligence agencies’ findings.

Mr Comey and Admiral Rogers were called on to testify in a congressional hearing examining potential Russian links to the US election campaign and claims that Trump Tower was “wire-tapped”. It is the most extensive public investigation of matters that have dogged the Trump administration in its first two months.

FBI Director James Comey (left) and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers (right) testify on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Picture: AFP/Nicholas Kamm
FBI Director James Comey (left) and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers (right) testify on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Picture: AFP/Nicholas Kamm


President Trump trolled Mr Comey on Twitter during his appearance at a House hearing.

“FBI Director Comey refuses to deny he briefed President Obama on calls made by Michael Flynn to Russia,” said a tweet on the president’s official Twitter account, @POTUS.

The tweet referred to Representative Trey Gowdy’s grilling of Mr Comey about who could have leaked classified documents about phone calls former national security adviser Michael Flynn made to the Russian ambassador.

“Did you brief President Obama on any calls involving Michael Flynn?” Mr Gowdy asked.

“I’m not going to get into either that particular case or any conversations I had with the president. I can’t answer that,” he said, citing constraints against discussing classified information.

Mr Trump also tweeted about the questioning of Admiral Rogers on whether Russia influenced the election.

He asked Admiral Rogers if he had evidence that “Russia cyber actors” changed vote tallies in several states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida and North Carolina.

“I have nothing generated by the national security industry,” he answered.

Mr Nunes then turned to Mr Comey.

“Do you have any evidence at the FBI that any votes were changed in the states that I mentioned to Admiral Rogers?” he asked. Mr Comey said, “No.”

Mr Trump crowed in his tweet: “The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process.”


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York senator, has demanded that Mr Trump retract his wire-tapping claim following Mr Comey’s congressional testimony.

“The FBI director has now confirmed: Pres Obama wire-tapping Trump Tower did not happen.

Pres Trump needs to retract his claim immediately,” he tweeted on Monday.

He said Mr Trump has “severely damaged his credibility” with his claims and that he “should admit he was wrong, stop the outlandish tweets.”

Meanwhile, top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi said an independent investigative commission should be created to look into possible Russian collusion that may have undermined Ms Clinton’s presidential campaign.

California Democrat Pelosi said that “the American people deserve answers” and that the possibility of Trump officials and Russian officials conspiring to influence the election “represents a grave threat to our national security and our democracy.”

She said Mr Trump should apologise over his extraordinary wire-tapping claim.

Despite Mr Comey’s testimony, the White House defiantly refused to back down from President Trump’s claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower

“Following this testimony, it’s clear nothing has changed,” administration spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters at his daily press briefing on Monday.


During the congressional hearing, Mr Trump’s son, Eric, revealed he and his wife Lara are expecting a son in September. It will be their first child.

“@LaraLeaTrump & I are excited to announce that we are adding a boy to #TeamTrump in September. It’s been an amazing year. We are blessed!” he wrote on Twitter.

President Trump re-tweeted his son’s message, with a warm congratulatory note: “Congratulations Eric & Lara. Very proud and happy for the two of you!”

Eric Trump, 33, told People magazine he found out his wife was expecting on his birthday.

Lara Trump said of her pregnancy: “I was exhausted in the beginning. It surprised me, because I’m a very active person, and until the fatigue hit, I didn’t believe it would actually happen to me.”

This will be President Trump’s ninth grandchild.


The chair of the House committee investigating President Trump’s accusations of wire-tapping at Trump Tower said other means of monitoring may have been used.

“Let me be clear: we know there was not a wiretap on Trump Tower, it’s still possible that other surveillance activities were used against President Trump and his associates,” Representative Devin Nunes said in a statement opening Monday’s hearing.

It comes a day after he said there “never was” evidence of wire-tapping.

“If you take the president literally, it didn’t happen,” he told Fox News Sunday. “Was there a physical wiretap of Trump Tower? No, there never was, and the information on Friday continues to lead us in that direction.”

US Representative Devin Nunes says there is no evidence that Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Picture: AFP/Getty/Win McNamee
US Representative Devin Nunes says there is no evidence that Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Picture: AFP/Getty/Win McNamee


Hours before the hearing, President Trump slammed claims his campaign colluded with Russia in a series of tweets.

Mr Trump said Democrats “pushed the Russian story” to cover up for their poorly-run presidential campaign.

FOLLOW UP: How Trump should back up wiretap claims

He then tweeted that the focus should be on finding the individuals who are leaking classified information.


The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee praised President Trump’s Supreme Court pick on Monday for an “unfailing commitment” to the principle of separation of powers, as Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing got underway.

“His grasp on the separation of powers — including judicial independence — enlivens his body of work,” Senator Chuck Grassley said in opening remarks to begin the long-awaited hearing 13 months after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death created a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

The court opening was never filled last year as Republicans blocked President Obama’s nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, until a new president could be elected.

Neil Gorsuch takes part in a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing as US President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court. Picture: AFP/Tasos Katopodis
Neil Gorsuch takes part in a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing as US President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court. Picture: AFP/Tasos Katopodis

Senate Democrats remain furious about that GOP obstruction, and are under intense pressure from liberal base voters opposed to Trump, but they enter the hearing divided over how hard to fight his court choice.

“I’m deeply disappointed it’s under these circumstances that we begin these hearings,” the top Democrat on the committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, said in her opening remarks, referencing Garland’s treatment.

Still, she said senators’ responsibility through the hearing was to determine whether Gorsuch is a “reasonable mainstream conservative, or is he not.”

Gorsuch, 49, is a respected, highly credentialed and conservative member of the Denver-based 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals.


President Trump’s approval rating has taken a nosedive, according to the latest Gallup poll.

Only 37 per cent of respondents approve the job the president is doing — the lowest level since he took office — while 58 per cent disapprove, the poll found.

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Mr Trump’s approval rating was 45 per cent a week earlier.

Other presidents have experienced even lower ratings, but Mr Trump is the first commander-in-chief in at least 70 years to have dropped this low by March of his first term, according to Gallup.


With the hearing in full swing, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop will travel to Washington DC today to attend a meeting of foreign affairs ministers on the fight against IS.

It will be her second meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Ms Bishop told MPs in Question Time the Australian government had concerns that an estimated 500 foreign terrorist fighters could return to the Asia-Pacific region once the fight against IS was over.

Julie Bishop will meet with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for the second time. Picture: AAP/Lukas Coch
Julie Bishop will meet with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for the second time. Picture: AAP/Lukas Coch


President Trump will hold his first meeting with Iraq’s prime minister as he works to shape his policy for defeating Islamic State.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s first visit to Washington since Trump’s inauguration comes as the new US president gears up to host a 68-nation meeting focused on advancing the fight against the militant group.

But despite his promises of a no-holds-barred strategy and to eradicate “radical Islamic terrorism,” Mr Trump has not yet proposed a new approach or tactics in Afghanistan or Iraq.

It also remains to be seen to what extent Mr Trump will commit to efforts to rebuild war-torn Iraq.

The administration has proposed deep cuts to international organisations and diplomatic missions.

US Vice President Michael Richard Pence (right) greets Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi ahead of bilateral talks at the 53rd Munich Security Conference. Picture: AFP/Thomas Kienzle
US Vice President Michael Richard Pence (right) greets Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi ahead of bilateral talks at the 53rd Munich Security Conference. Picture: AFP/Thomas Kienzle

Originally published as Ivanka Trump secures West Wing office, despite not serving as government employee

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