

Two of NSW’s biggest prisons in lockdown after major Covid ‘incident’

A major Covid incident has sent Cessnock and Parklea Correctional Centres into lockdown.

Sydney's Parklea prison under strict lockdown amid COVID-19 outbreak

A major Covid incident has sent two of NSW’s biggest prisons into lockdown after prisoners among the general population tested positive to the virus and were possibly even sent to other gaols.

An internal memo sent to staff at Cessnock Correctional Centre, in the Upper Hunter, informed them that a number of inmates who had mixed with positive COVID-19 prisoners at Parklea Prison in Sydney had been sent there on August 11.

The memo said a total of 12 prisoners had tested positive to Covid after being in “Area 6” at Parklea, a non-quarantine area.

Acting Corrective Services Commissioner Kevin Corcoran said an investigation was now underway into how the prisoners - who were not fresh arrivals into the prison system - had contracted the virus.

Cessnock Correctional Complex has been placed into lockdown over a major Covid incident. Picture: Emily Burley
Cessnock Correctional Complex has been placed into lockdown over a major Covid incident. Picture: Emily Burley

“We are taking a number of precautions after 12 inmates at Parklea Correctional Centre tested positive for COVID-19. These inmates were not fresh custodies and an investigation into the source of the infection is underway,” Asst Comm Corcoran said.

“We are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of staff and inmates. Parklea Correctional Centre is locked down with no movements in or out until further notice.”

Parklea — which is privately operated by MTC Broadspectrum and can house up to 1350 prisoners — was sent into lockdown on Saturday, with all prisoners currently being tested.

When it was discovered some prisoners who may have interacted with Covid patients had since been sent to Cessnock, it too was locked down.

“Some inmates housed in Area 6 at Parklea CC, returned positive COVID-19 test results last night (August 27, 2021),” a memo sent to prison staff at Cessnock read.

“Area 6 is not a quarantine area and investigations about the source and spread of infections are underway. All inmates currently housed in Area 6 have now been tested and some of these results have also come back positive.

“At this stage we have identified inmates who have left Parklea CC after 11 August 2021 as we are concerned about potential transmission. As you can see from the attached, some of these inmates are now present in your centre (at Cessnock).”

The memo said prisoners who had travelled to Cessnock from Parklea would be tested immediately and the results expedited.

All staff at Parklea who came into contact with Covid positive inmates have undergone tests and are isolating, with none so far testing positive.

Officers and staff at both prisons must now wear full personal protective equipment, including masks, goggles or eye protection, gloves and long sleeves when dealing with inmates.

“I appreciate this will be a source of anxiety for you and your staff. At this stage we are just taking the most cautious approach to ensure we protect all staff and inmates,” the memo read.

Both Corrective Services NSW and MTC-Broadspectrum have been contacted for comment.

Read related topics:COVID NSW

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