
Hilarious parody Twitter account Man Who Has It All turns working mum tips on their head

“MANIC working dad? Indulge in a luxurious hot bath with a scented candle and a nasty ice cream. ‘Me time’.”

Man sitting in bath using spa Bubble Mat.
Man sitting in bath using spa Bubble Mat.

THE parody Twitter account @ManWhoHasItAll has been making everyone giggle lately, as it purports to offer “top tips for men juggling a successful career and fatherhood.”

With its tongue-in-cheek “advice” for “busy working dads” struggling to do it all, the account, whose owner has not yet identified himself (herself?), turns on its head all the often ridiculous advice that’s lobbed at working women, that unique mix of chocolate-laced guilt, “me time,” overachievement, bubble bath tips and domestic goddess how-tos that you often find in the pages of many women’s magazines.

Me time.
Me time.

The underlying subtext: What would it be like if men got this kind of advice? Pretty ridiculous, right? No one gets to do it all, and have it all, right?

But while the account is hilarious for what it says about women and the expectations that they’re held to, it’s funny for another reason, too — one that isn’t talked about nearly as often.

Man Who Has It All all too accurately sums up the way that women (present company included) are often guilty of talking about men in general, and their partners specifically.

It’s those little asides — mention of the husband who is “babysitting” the kids, the man who’s “useless” at doing laundry or other chores.

Vacuum wars.
Vacuum wars.

The man who just can’t be counted on to pitch in and get household tasks done — well, the way a woman would do them.

And while these asides might not seem like a big deal, they all add up to something very big indeed: The underlying assumption that as a woman, I’m The Only One Who Can Do This, And I’ll Ask My Partner to Help Out, But I’m Going to Be Rolling My Eyes in the Corner The Whole Time As They Mess the Whole Thing Up.

It’s an idea that Anne-Marie Slaughter takes on quite brilliantly in her new bookUnfinished Business: Women Men Work Family, in which she discusses the need for ambition and caretaking to coexist equally.

“I really think we need a men’s movement,” she told the Guardian in 2013, “and you’re starting to see it. Guys are starting to speak up for themselves about masculinity, about care-giving.”

She goes on to say: “You know, women are hypocrites this way, because we would go crazy if men treated us in the workforce the way we typically treat them at home — if a guy in the workforce assumed he was more competent than you are, and told you what to do — but that’s the way most women treat men in the household.”

Originally published as Hilarious parody Twitter account Man Who Has It All turns working mum tips on their head

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