Twitter relaunches ‘fraught’ program
The controversial ‘Twitter Blue’ program is set to relaunch, after a series of embarrassing hiccups and impostor accounts.
The controversial ‘Twitter Blue’ program is set to relaunch, after a series of embarrassing hiccups and impostor accounts.
The central bank governor has found himself caught on the wrong side of an economic cycle, with his seven-year term set to expire just as interest rates are likely to peak.
Customers of Australia’s largest health insurer will be unable to access its facilities, with the company forced to take action following the recent attack on its data.
As the Reserve Bank pushes through the first Christmas rate hike in 13 years, central bank boss Philip Lowe has ramped up the rhetoric.
GOOGLE has dropped $500 million on Skybox Imaging amid plans to spend its own fleet of satellites to space.
A RADICAL move at the world’s premier tech company caused shares to drop from around $US650 to less than $US100 overnight. What’s happening?
SHE’S got the famous name and accent to match, but this Zuckerberg has a few choice words to say about social media. Here’s what drives Mark’s sister nuts.
THE reports of bitcoin’s death has been exaggerated. Despite several scandals, the virtual currency is bouncing back and its value has surged in the past two weeks.
A DAY after Apple’s buyout of Beats for $3 billion, critics have come out swinging, saying the technology giant has overpaid. So, is Beats really worth all that money?
THE founder of a multi-million tech company has stepped down, after posting offensive comments on the manifesto of alleged mass murderer Elliot Rodger.
‘PRISSY European sensibilities’ which will see users have the right to edit search results have been slammed in the US as strange and unworkable.
COMPUTER giant Hewlett-Packard will cut another 11,000 to 16,000 jobs, above a target of 34,000 the company outlined in May 2012.
A SHADOWY military unit operating out of a non-descript high-rise is behind a high-stakes hacking conflict between the US and China.
OPTUS has lost 160,000 mobile customers in the last financial year and hasn’t ruled out cutting more jobs on top of the 350 already announced.
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