Barefoot InvestorAfterpay is like the financial equivalent of marijuana because it acts like a gateway financial drug — training young people to rely on the bank’s money rather than banking on themselves, writes Barefoot Investor.
Barefoot InvestorRight from the start I have said I believe blockchain technology will eventually transform entire industries and, at some stage, online payments, however, the truth is right now many cryptocurrencies are junk and Bitcoin is still a punt, writes the Barefoot Investor.
In life the smartest people are those who fearlessly ask the simplest questions, and then back themselves. No one cares more about your money than you do, so when it comes to “financial experts”, trust your gut, writes the Barefoot Investor.
LAST week, investment group Stockspot came out with its annual Fat Cat Awards, which ranks the worst-performing super funds and this is one award you do NOT want to win. So it’s time to take a closer look, writes the Barefoot Investor.