Barefoot InvestorScott Pape says it won’t win him any votes, but here’s what he thinks about governments enabling low-deposit mortgages.
OpinionBarefoot InvestorAhead of the federal budget, Barefoot investor Scott Pape asks Australia’s Treasurer to respond to his readers’ questions.
Barefoot InvestorScams have surged 80 per cent in a year, trapping even the smartest Aussies, so Scott Pape shares some valuable advice.
Barefoot InvestorBarefoot Investor has some advice for a heartbroken woman who has potentially lost her nest egg with the Porter Davis collapse: Focus on the things you can control.
Barefoot InvestorBarefoot investor Scott Pape examines pink diamond decisions and people’s plans to intentionally rip off their lenders.
Barefoot InvestorScott Pape has some advice for one young Aussie couple who are freaking out after discovering they will soon have to fork out 70 per cent of their pay on mortgage repayments.
Barefoot InvestorScott Pape has had a political win with Premier Dom Perrottet pledging to double the number of financial counsellors in NSW and the Opposition agreeing to “think” about the proposal.
Barefoot InvestorRetirees with more than $3m in super will be absolutely fine but Scott Pape worries about how tough the future will be for all those ‘ordinary Australians’ with little nest eggs.
Barefoot InvestorBarefoot Investor Scott Pape rolled up his sleeves to help an Aussie mum struggling with a life-threatening shock.
Barefoot InvestorIf you don’t own at least 20 per cent of your home, Scott Pape says you’re effectively trapped, as it’s highly unlikely another lender will offer you a better rate than your current bank.