Barefoot InvestorA PUB owner who hates his day job wants to sell his pub and keep his house but the Barefoot Investor says it’s time to bite the bullet on the house. And as for the pub …
Barefoot InvestorIF you’re 55 or over, stop what you’re doing and read this. If you’re under 55, forward this on to your parents (and any other salt-and-peppered-haired loved ones), says SCOTT PAPE
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money question, or want to win a fight with your hubby, shoot over to
Barefoot InvestorTODAY, I’m eating humble pie. I have to confess to you, dear reader, that a key “plank” of the advice that I have written about for over a decade is, well, wrong, says BAREFOOT INVESTOR.
Barefoot InvestorWHEN jockey Michelle Payne gave her “get stuffed” speech, it was hard not to get swept away in the magic of her story. And there are lessons for the rest of us, writes Scott Pape.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money question, or just want to win a fight with your hubby, jump over to to ask a question.
Barefoot InvestorDROWNING in credit card debt? The Barefoot Investor has got a way out, plus ideas on super and some investment inspiration.
Barefoot InvestorAUSTRALIANS are the biggest punters on the planet, and sports betting is the fastest growing form of gambling on the planet. But there are traps for the unwary, writes BAREFOOT INVESTOR.
Barefoot InvestorIF you regret signing up at a real estate wealth-building seminar, be aware that the spruikers will often refund their “problem clients” if they make enough noise, writes Scott Pape.
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