
Trump Fans Peacefully Bashed, Beaten and Robbed in Joe Biden’s US

And many of those attacks were caught on video, although for some reason media outlets were reluctant to show them.

No looting when Trump voters turn up
No looting when Trump voters turn up

“There are dozens of these videos,” Fox News host Greg Gutfeld wrote yesterday, reviewing footage of Black Lives Matter activists attacking fans of President Donald Trump.

“And it makes you wonder: how would they have reacted if they had lost the election, if this is how they act when they won?”

Well, we know how they’d have acted. So do shopkeepers across the US, which is why prior to election day they boarded up their stores as though a cyclone was on its way.

But Hurricane George Floyd never arrived. Joe Biden’s apparent win stalled activist rage, at least for a time.

So BLM justice brats rested for a couple of weeks and then during the weekend took out their vengeful victory rage on harmless Trump marchers in Washington DC.

Those marchers did not destroy property. They did not assault anybody or throw anything at police.

They just marched, which used to be all that happened in your traditional street marches.

Oh, and they sang the national anthem. More than once, in fact, being such dangerous provocateurs.

In response – and I’m just describing the first few, most easily-found clips – BLM warriors variously:

  • Attacked a man wearing Trump apparel, smashing him in the face from behind and knocking him down, whereupon an opportunistic BLM reparations-seeker instantly stole his mobile phone:

Bleeding heavily from the nose and mouth, the man was also repeatedly kicked in the back while he was on the pavement:

  • Punched a woman in the back of the head and ran away:
  • Pursued a fearful family with young children down the street as the kids wept:
  • Physically menaced a young couple who had to seek protection behind police lines:
  • Launched fireworks at Trump supporters quietly dining at an outdoor restaurant:
  • Surrounded an older Trump supporter, shoved him to the ground and robbed him:
  • Set fire to stolen Make America Great Again caps:
  • Struck a young women and tore at her hair while stealing her phone:
  • Assaulted and abused an older couple as they were walking away following the march:
  • Whipped a man with a wooden pole from a stolen US flag:
  • And wrecked a Trump merchandise stand being run by a black man:

Five BLM activists were subsequently arrested for the first attack in this brief list. Besides assault, they also face charges of carrying concealed weapons.

They were among a comically-tiny number of violent criminals who were apprehended and charged.

Anti-Trump network MSNBC reported: “At least 20 people were arrested throughout the day, and two police officers were injured. The extent of their injuries was not immediately known.”

And then came this perfectly dishonest disclaimer: 

“It was unclear whether the people arrested were in favor of or against Trump.”

Oh, please. The same report framed the theft and violence as a consequence of Trump voter actions:

“Supporters of President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims of voter fraud clashed with counter-protesters in the streets.”

Sure. President-elect Joe Biden last week declared: “This is the time to heal in America.”

Who knew he was referring to actual physical injuries?

Tim Blair
Tim BlairJournalist

Read the latest Tim Blair blog. Tim is a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph.

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