

Simple Declaration of Universal Human Worth Deemed ‘Controversial’, ‘Disgusting’

A leftist herd is furious with Acting PM Michael McCormack over comments claimed to be ignorant and racist.

A black-owned business didn’t matter in Minneapolis
A black-owned business didn’t matter in Minneapolis

So what exactly did McCormack say?

Mr McCormack told reporters “all lives matter” on Tuesday ...

Oh my God! Even worse, McCormack stood by his terrifying statement of the absolutely obvious:

Mr McCormack said he would not apologise for criticising violent protests, regardless of the motivations underpinning them.

He claimed the BLM protests cost 19 lives that “should not have been lost”.

“There was destruction. There was uninsured property that business owners then have to dig deep into their own pockets to rebuild. And then of course there’s lives lost,” he said on Tuesday.

All true, which is probably why our friends on the left are so panty-bunched about it:

Labor health spokesman Chris Bowen described the comments as “beyond disgusting”, saying they were an attempt to diminish the BLM movement.

“Michael McCormack might speak for the government. He does not speak for Australians,” he told reporters on Tuesday.

Powerful. Brave. BLM get their symbolism on in LA
Powerful. Brave. BLM get their symbolism on in LA

“People around the world who engaged in peaceful protests in the Black Lives Matter movement deserve better than to have their acting leader, their Acting Prime Minister, compare them to the violence and thuggery we saw at the US Capitol last week.

“Australians of colour deserve to know that the government thinks more of them than that. To have the Acting Prime Minister spout the words ‘all lives matter’, to diminish the Black Lives Matter movement, was beyond disgusting.”

It’s a Marxist movement and it should be diminished.

“The Acting Prime Minister is continuing to show his ignorance about what Black Lives Matters mean, and how it affects our mob right here in Australia,” Amnesty International Indigenous Rights Lead Nolan Hunter said.

They taught those racist bins a lesson in Seattle
They taught those racist bins a lesson in Seattle

“Ignorance of the issues that affect Indigenous people in Australia is why we are behind the rest of the world.”

Maybe we can catch up by destroying businesses and properties worth billions.

Acting Greens leader Nick McKim said by invoking the phrase, Mr McCormack had given racists a subtle green light.

“Last year, the Senate united to block Pauline Hanson from using the racist dog-whistle in Parliament,” he told NCA NewsWire.

Black Looters Matter in California
Black Looters Matter in California

“Now, the acting PM is using it in press conferences to defend his own racist dismissal of black deaths.”

The phrase “all lives matter” is such a racist dog whistle that it’s explicitly not racist.

“Michael McCormack knows what he’s doing by using this phrase. He’s telling Australian racists that he is taking their side.

This ended racism in St Louis
This ended racism in St Louis

“The facts are simple. The Black Lives Matter movement is a pushback against racist policing and politics. In contrast the Capital riots were because the far right didn’t want to accept the results of a fair and democratic election.”

McKim would presumably have been fine with the Capitol Building riot if the invaders were BLM commies.

These people are out of their minds.

UPDATE. AFL great Leigh Matthews takes a stand:

Naturally, Lethal’s been condemned.

Tim Blair
Tim BlairJournalist

Read the latest Tim Blair blog. Tim is a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph.

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