Is Anyone Checking the Bananas?
A viral supercluster involving Melbourne’s Al-Taqwa College is now blamed for Victoria’s wild coronavirus resurgence.
A viral supercluster involving Melbourne’s Al-Taqwa College is now blamed for Victoria’s wild coronavirus resurgence.
Victoria’s two largest coronavirus outbreaks have been linked together, potentially also combining with at least two other major clusters.
The 113-case Al-Taqwa College cluster and the 159-case public housing towers outbreak have been strongly connected by health investigators, though it remains unclear which may have become infected first.
Maybe the Jews did it. In 2005, an imam visiting Al-Taqwa College (also known as Werribee College) offered this scholarly opinion:
The teacher could not believe what he overheard. The "visiting" imam was launching into a tirade against the Jews and Americans that bordered on the ludicrous.
But then came the clincher, he recalled. "The imam told the students that the Jews were putting poison in the bananas and they should not eat them."
Alas, the imam’s views on security guards, social distancing and big old Eid parties are unknown.