
Don’t be Racist against the Commies

Just like a certain other belief system, communism is now understood to be a racial characteristic. So criticism of communism is racist.

Communists are just born that way
Communists are just born that way

Just like a certain other belief system, communism is now understood to be a racial characteristic. So criticism of communism is racist.

Well, at least according to this confused fellow:

Interestingly, the positive post highlighted by Mr Towers has been retweeted nearly 2000 times. His own item isn’t quite so popular.

You know, maybe racism explains why my work is now being translated into Hindi and Vietnamese:

UPDATE. Piers Akerman:

Predictably, a group of so-called celebrities are seeking examples of racism during the Wuhan coronavirus crisis to enable them to further berate Australians …

Not surprisingly, inane ABC presenter Benjamin Law is one of those behind a petition calling for national unity and the ABC has also so-helpfully posted advice on its website for people who may wish to make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

The same Human Rights Commission which trawled for complaints about racism it could level at the late cartoonist Bill Leak.

The HRC should be abolished and everyone involved in Bill's persecution should be used for medical experiments.

UPDATE II. ChiComs just lie and lie and lie:

A media research group has released the transcript of a China-produced Arabic-language news report to show how Beijing’s propaganda machine is blaming the coronavirus on America.

The Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors TV and social media in the Arab world, focused on a March 17 broadcast of “China View” on Beijing’s Global Television Network Arabic, which overall has 14 million viewers.

The TV show host, “Ms. V,” takes the Arab world through a number of unproven conspiracy theories that all point to the U.S. as the source of COVID-19 ...

In the Middle East, the only theories they ever have are conspiracy theories. So, why is the Chinese dictatorship cosying up to Arabs?

The Middle East is an increasingly ripe target for China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative to build ports, highways and even cities to gain inroads into the oil-rich region and to compete with the U.S.

It’s Blair's Law, people.

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