
China is Always Finer for Red Tedros

World Health Organisation boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s commie appeasement may have accidentally helped one nation dodge an initial coronavirus wave.

Tedros curtseys to Chinese dictator Xi Jinping
Tedros curtseys to Chinese dictator Xi Jinping

World Health Organisation boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s commie appeasement may have accidentally helped one nation dodge an initial coronavirus wave.

Rebecca Weisser reports:

Despite the US contributing almost $900 million to WHO last year and China contributing about one-tenth of that amount, it is Beijing that calls the shots. The day after Tedros was elected he told Chinese media that he would continue to support the ‘One China’ principle by excluding Taiwan.

This turns out to have been a blessing.

Forced to rely on its resources, stung by 73 deaths during SARS — the highest number outside China and Hong Kong — conscious of the ever-present threat China poses and its lies, and with thousands of Taiwanese heading to Wuhan for Chinese New Year, Taiwan started hearing ‘rumours’ about a SARS-like outbreak in December and started boarding flights to check passengers for symptoms on 31 December.

Way ahead of the curve, with a well-resourced, integrated, compulsory single-payer health system that provides comprehensive medical services to all legal residents, Taiwan has only 45 cases and one death, so far.

Numbers have since increased, but Taiwan is still keeping a lid on things. Further on Red Tedros and his sickening “health” organisation from James Morrow:

Given that the COVID-19 coronavirus all but surely had its origins in the live animal “wet markets” of Wuhan, China, you would imagine that a major public health body like the World Health Organisation (WHO) might be calling for such fixtures to be shut down permanently and the practice of eating exotic creatures banned.

Particularly if that same WHO had previously downplayed the risk of the virus, which is claiming hundreds if not thousands of lives a day and pouring sand into the gears of the world economy, refusing to declare it a pandemic.

Well, you would be wrong.

Please read on.

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