
We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow: Ep 6 hints Dany is pregnant to Jon Snow

WELCOME to our regular feature, We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow — where we delve back into Game Of Thrones to find hidden clues. This week we discover that Daenerys will have a baby with Jon.

Game of Thrones Revealed: Season 7 Episode 6

THE first season of Game Of Thrones is full of hidden clues, dramatic irony and hints of things to come – and episode six has an absolute cracker that will have a huge effect on the final series.

Welcome to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow: Our regular look back through the earlier episodes to see what clues the writers left for us.

Be warned, we have a host of potential spoilers ahead!

A little chewy, but this horse’s heart is still tastier than the spelt muffins some hipster cafes like to serve
A little chewy, but this horse’s heart is still tastier than the spelt muffins some hipster cafes like to serve

The big, big moment is the slightly gruesome scene when Daenerys has to eat a warm horse’s heart to prove she is a worthy mother of Drogo’s baby.

It doesn’t look too pleasant but, given the choice between that or a kale soy smoothie, it’s actually pretty appetising.

Anyway, while Dany munches away, looking like an extra from The Walking Dead, the old crone at Vaes Dothrak announces her son will be the Stallion Who Mounts The World, and he will not only rule the world but “all the people of the world will be his herd”.

The Stallion is the prophesised saviour of the Dothraki, who will lead them to victory. Obviously that kid, Rhaego, doesn’t make it thanks to Mirri Maz Duur, in events that will unfold a little later in the season.

But the words still hold true and take on extra significance when we know that Jon and Dany hook up. Any child of theirs will be a combination of fire and ice, able to rule both the north and the south of Westeros, as well as the eastern lands. In other words, the perfect saviour and ruler after the Night King has been defeated.

We know the writers had to cut huge chunks of the book out even to pull it back to a 10-episode show. Leaving this much prophecy about the child of Daenerys in has to have added meaning. Basically it says that Jon is going to have exactly what he feared — a bastard child. He confessed to Sam that he had never been with a woman because he was scared of getting her pregnant. Again, that’s pretty prophetic.

But it’s not the only hints of things to come.

The Three-Eyed Raven takes Bran into the crypts, which is either a hint that death is coming, or that his family will die — or both.

Theon pushes Robb to call in the north’s Bannermen and get ready for war.

“You want me to ride on Casterly Rock?” Robb asks.

Of course, that was the fateful decision he made when he rode into the Red Wedding.

But there is also a hint of what is to happen to Theon: “Your duty is to represent your House when your father can’t”, he tells Robb.

Finally, in the last season, we shall see Theon doing that.

We meet Osha, who eventually gives her life to try and save the Starks.
We meet Osha, who eventually gives her life to try and save the Starks.

We also meet Osha, the Wildling girl who wanted to kill Bran when she and her mates find him out riding. She will later save both him and Rickon.

And there is a lovely saying from Arya’s swordmaster Syrio, which will probably come back in the final season.

Arya is worried because of the attack on her father Ned and Syrio tells her: “There is only one God and his name is death. And we say to him — not today.”

I can see Arya coming back with that saying at some point, when the Night King threatens.

It is also the fantastic episode where Tyrion “confesses his crimes”, ending with the tale of taking a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel. Sadly, he never gets to finish that anecdote!

Tyrion makes himself the show’s most loved character in this scene.
Tyrion makes himself the show’s most loved character in this scene.

We also see Bronn fight for him and win, proving that brains will always defeat stupidity, no matter how much armour you put around it.

Again, there are huge hints here that Tyrion will ride a dragon in the last season. From peering down out of his sky cell, out of the Moon Door, to Robin Arryn asking: “Can I make the bad man fly now?”

With just a few words, Littlefinger dooms both Ned Stark and Beric Dondarrion.
With just a few words, Littlefinger dooms both Ned Stark and Beric Dondarrion.

This episode also shows how manipulative Littlefinger is. His “helpful” advice to Ned sets in train the fight between the Starks and the Lannisters, as well as dooming poor Beric Dondarrion. Beric looks like quite the dashing knight in this episode. By the time we meet him again, he will look very different, having been killed and resurrected many times.

We also have Joffre admitting: “I fear I have behaved monstrously”. It’s an apology to Sansa but it’s also a prophecy. He will turn into more of a monster soon.

Joffre tells Sansa he will be nice to her from now on. You’ve got to be choking, Joffre!
Joffre tells Sansa he will be nice to her from now on. You’ve got to be choking, Joffre!

As for Sansa, Ned says he wants her to have “someone brave, gentle and strong”. In other words, everything Joffre is not.

Foolish Sansa says she wants Joffre! But Ned’s words do look like season eight will see Sansa and Gendry hook up, as he’s everything Joffre is not — including being Robert’s son.

Theon and Ros have a fascinating conversation about war, where she says: ‘Every man for 400 miles will march to war and most will never come back”. That proves she knows more than Theon but, seeing as she’s off to King’s Landing and will fall foul of Littlefinger, she probably should have stayed on the turnip cart.

We see Ned realise that Joffre is not a Baratheon but a Lannister, setting up his death just three episodes later.

Viserys begs “Dany” for help. But it’s not going to end well for him.
Viserys begs “Dany” for help. But it’s not going to end well for him.

And finally we see Viserys given a golden crown by Drago. Unfortunately it’s molten and the little weasel dies but it sees him begging “Dany” to save him. She doesn’t, of course.

So now the field is clear for her to start her moves towards the Iron Throne.

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