

Protest outside Brisbane court as 14 climate activists charged over Parliament House incident

Protest has erupted outside Brisbane Magistrates Court as 14 Extinction Rebellion members face court over an anti-mining demonstration inside Parliament House. WATCH THE VIDEO


Dozens of climate activists gathered outside the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Monday to support 14 people charged over an alleged protest inside Parliament House.

The 10 women and four men were charged with the rare offence of disturbing the legislature after the demonstration at parliament on November 30 last year.

Climate group Extinction Rebellion took credit for the incident in which protesters unfurled banners over the railing of the public gallery which read “stop coal, stop gas” and “Qld coal burnt anywhere causes climate hell”.

The protesters chanted slogans including “stop coal, stop gas” and caused a short interruption of about three minutes to parliament.

Members of the group had prepared to face a joint trial in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Monday.

Extinction Rebellion activists protest outside Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Glenn Campbell
Extinction Rebellion activists protest outside Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Glenn Campbell

But the court heard previous directions allowing all 14 defendants to have their case heard as one had not been recorded and the magistrate was of the understanding today’s case would relate to only one defendant – retired anaesthetist Lee Ann Coaldrake.

Coaldrake, the wife of former Queensland University of Technology vice-chancellor Peter Coaldrake who led the review into the State Government integrity crisis, pleaded not guilty to a single charge of disturbing the legislature.

The case was adjourned to allow both parties to file written submissions relating to issues of law.

Activists have slammed the fact that the 14 people accused of a Parliament House protest could face three years’ jail. Picture: Glenn Campbell
Activists have slammed the fact that the 14 people accused of a Parliament House protest could face three years’ jail. Picture: Glenn Campbell

Depending on the magistrate’s ruling on that issue, the case may then be set down for a trial.

All 14 members of the group were in court in Monday, taking up the entire first row of the gallery in Court 17 – the largest courtroom in the building.

Lee Ann Coaldrake, Aisling Niamh Geraghty, Ian Hawksworth, Wendy Hawksworth, Tracy Ann Hickey, Robin John Keller, Miree Alys Le Roy, Lisa Danielle McDermott, David Karl Rasborsek, Judith Ann Rasborsek, John William Sheridan, Dianne Margaret Tucker, Rae Sheridan and Sasha Marina Steindl are each charged with one count disturbing the legislature.

Rae Sheridan and Sasha Marina Steindl are also facing an additional charge of failing to comply with a direction of the speaker.

It’s understood all 14 will fight the charges.

Outside, dozens of supporters lined the footpath waving flags, holding up banners, chanting and singing.

“Today 14 rebels faced court for spending three minutes of disruption in our parliament to say no coal and no gas in this continent and for that they’re facing three years in prison which is an absolute atrocity to our democracy,” activist Violet CoCo said outside court.

“We are in a climate emergency and the lives of Australians have already been threatened by floods and fire and drought and yet these people are speaking up for our planet, for our lives, for our future and they’re being criminalised.

“Peaceful protesters should never be criminalised.”

Emotions run high outside Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Glenn Campbell
Emotions run high outside Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Glenn Campbell

The Courier-Mail understands the offence of disturbing the legislature had not been used in Queensland for more than 30 years.

The maximum penalty is three years imprisonment.

Ms Coco said the charges were aimed at “repressing the voice of these people who really need to speak up about the climate emergency”.

It’s clear the system is being punitive, dragging up these old laws to keep these protesters questioning whether they will lose their freedom or not,” she said.

“At the end of the day, maybe these charges will be dropped but in the meantime they’re being dragged through the courts, they’re being taken away from their jobs and from their families and fearing for their freedom while the process is being done so it’s a punitive process and that is also a very big issue that we face as activists.”

Those charged over the parliament protest are:

Lee Ann Coaldrake – disturbing the legislature

Aisling Niamh Geraghty – disturbing the legislature

Ian Hawksworth – disturbing the legislature

Wendy Hawksworth – disturbing the legislature

Tracy Ann Hickey – disturbing the legislature

Robin John Keller – disturbing the legislature

Miree Alys Le Roy – disturbing the legislature

Lisa Danielle McDermott – disturbing the legislature

David Karl Rasborsek – disturbing the legislature

Judith Ann Rasborsek – disturbing the legislature

John William Sheridan – disturbing the legislature

Dianne Margaret Tucker – disturbing the legislature

Rae Sheridan – disturbing the legislature and failing to comply with direction of the speaker

Sasha Marina Steindl – disturbing the legislature and failing to comply with direction of the speaker

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