
Hannah Clarke inquest shown suicide/goodbye note police found on Rowan Baxter’s phone

A detective who investigated Rowan Baxter described the note found on the killer’s phone as a “suicide/goodbye” note that almost appeared to have been written by “two different personalities” as he vented his anger that “you have portrayed me as a monster that mistreated you”. READ THE NOTE

"Hannah was incredibly courageous": Qld's top medical respondent

A detective who investigated Rowan Baxter described the note found on the killer’s phone as a “suicide/goodbye” note that almost appeared to have been written by “two different personalities”.


Detective Sergeant Derek Harris said the rambling note showed Baxter’s narcissistic personality and his failure to accept any responsibility for the breakdown of his marriage.

“(He) had given up … was looking for an out,” he said.

“Looking to blame everyone but himself.”

Det Sgt Harris said he had reviewed hundreds of statements taken from people close to Baxter and Hannah and it was clear that Baxter’s behaviour was narcissistic.

“I believe Hannah was living in an oppressive regime,” he said.

“Everything she did was wrong. Couldn’t go anywhere, wear what she wanted, speak to friends when she wanted.

“(He had) ultimate control over every aspect of her life.”

Rowan Baxter had “ultimate control over every aspect” of Hannah’s life. Source: Facebook
Rowan Baxter had “ultimate control over every aspect” of Hannah’s life. Source: Facebook

Det Harris said Baxter’s lies that Hannah was having an affair was yet another way for him to avoid blame for her leaving.

“He needed to maintain his appearance that it wasn’t his fault,” he said.

“Which was why he would tell his friends about his perceived infidelity.”



I have so much to say to you but now that your reading this its come to late, you have turned my life upside down so fast that it has destroyed me, without you thinking of any implications of what you are doing or saying is just pure evil. I have done nothing but love and care for you and the children to the best of my ability, I wasn’t perfect but I certainly have not deserved what you are putting me through. I never in my entire life thought you could be capable of anything like this and I just can’t take it anymore, the stress and pressure of what you have done has broken me down and I have no fight left.

Withholding my children has got to be the most inhuman acts anyone could ever do, especially when you know how much I love them. You put a DVO on me just to get Laianah back, that was just disgraceful and especially what you have implied, I have never deserved that and you know it. I have never ever caused you domestic violence Hannah.

The comment in the DVO that broke me was this one- “Since the birth of our 3rd child he forces himself to have sex with me every night” and if he doesn’t get it then he takes it out on the kids with his temper !! Hannah we both know and I would swear on my mother grave that I have never ever forced myself on you.

But for you to say this has killed me and for you and your father to call me a rapist to [REDACTED] is something I can never forget, you have portrayed me as a monster that mistreated you! Go through my posts, go through your posts and you tell me where the f*ck this monster is. I all of a sudden became a bad person after you put the DVO on me. Hannah the game that you are playing is disgraceful and I’m ending it. The foul play With the police woman Kirsten Kent which I’m sure will be investigated after this. You have a social attachment with her and the children have told me you have been swimming with them at her house.

For you to continue and pretend that everything is okay and your life is rosy without me is very hard to take. How you have erased me is hurtful. The fact that you had told [REDACTED] early October that you had feelings for [REDACTED] and then you told [REDACTED] the night of the Torian pro when I was at home looking after our children disgraces me. I feel betrayed and used, for yourself and [REDACTED] to hide this from me until then makes me feel sick especially when the next 2 months your contact through social media was over stepping the boundaries of any married couple. I never thought you of all people Hannah would never go behind my back & emotionally get attached to someone but understandable when every time you put the kids down for their sleep at lunchtimes instead of working on the marketing for the gym you were messaging him and sending him photos of our children snuggled up to you, this hurt me like you would not believe, and your painting me out to be the bad person, I have hundreds of messages from you and [REDACTED] over the last 6 months which is just highly inappropriate. [REDACTED] new you were leaving me before I did? For the last few months Hannah you have been hiding your phone turning it onto flight mode & being conspicuous.

2 weeks before you left me I seen a message from you to [REDACTED] “I just have to be brave but I will wait until after Treys birthday”. You lied to my face about locking up on the Tuesday night you told me [REDACTED] helped you lock up and she stayed 20 minutes late but in fact it was [REDACTED]. You wonder why I was checking your phone, your actions were of someone that was hiding something Hannah but you were telling everyone that I was this scary monster who you feared. You have manipulated your parents to think I was a controlling freak and now a rapist. Hannah your parents should know you the best out of everyone, if I tried to force myself on you I would of ended up with a punch in the head or a black eye, you are a strong woman physically and mentally you wouldn’t take that for any given time of our relationship but you painted out to everyone that you are a victim of domestic violence. Woman that have been abused don’t carry on posting things at the beach the very next day after a DVO was placed because they feared for their safety but you were happy to post exactly your whereabouts and even a lovely edited picture from your best friend ever, well played to everyone for the lovely hashtags and photos and yes they tore my heart out exactly what you wanted to achieve whilst I was at home sobbing my eyes out on the floor because a policeman came and took my child away & my life had been turned on it’s head

I have been hurt to many times over the last month and this one has pushed me to far. You never ever told me how you felt or gave me a chance you just ran around behind my back telling everyone terrible things about me. You want me to take 30% of my children whilst you have 70%. I told you before we had children when we were talking I would never be a part time father Hannah. You knew this and things were not that bad they couldn’t be fixed. You had this planned and it’s disgusting. I’m sorry Hannah I’m finishing your game I don’t want to play anymore this was never ever my intention but you need to realise you can’t f*ck with someone’s life like this and expect for them to just take it. I’m glad the advice you have been getting is working for you, but I can tell you no more Hannah no more …

I will never go through my life not seeing my children again and with how unpredictable you are and the bullsh*t you are doing I’m not risking my happiness anymore. For me not to see them for 40 plus days has killed me inside and out, You have absolutely no idea what you have put me through & the tormenting Facebook posts. They are my children and their will be no legal representation or you telling me how many times I can see my children. Do you know how hard it is to go to bed every night without your children? Do you know how hard it is to watch your children wave at you from the car when you haven’t seen them for 12 days because you put a DVO on me and then to hear from them that you told them it wasn’t daddy it was someone that looked like daddy.

Hannah you have focused on all the sh*tty stuff before you left I, but our life has been filled with plenty of good things in it especially with the children I wish you had of just tried I have told the kids that you loved them and they will miss you I’m sure.

You have destroyed my life & I can not move on. I hope all this was worth it for you and your family. I still have never said a bad word about you Hannah.

In fact I feel sorry for who you have become.

Enjoy your life & your freedom

now that you have no one to apparently control it. Your a strong girl you will be fine Row, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey xo

#rideordie #wegotthis

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