
Explosive messages capture by surveillance of alleged Colombian-linked Queensland drug ring revealed

Explosive messages captured by covert surveillance exposes the inner workings of an alleged Colombian-linked Queensland drug ring and its 100kg cocaine haul. READ THE MESSAGES

Massive cocaine haul seized from cargo ship

Members of an alleged Colombian-linked Queensland drug ring likened their operation to that of US crime drama Breaking Bad in explosive messages uncovered by federal investigators covertly surveilling the production of a mammoth 100kg cocaine haul.

The Sunday Mail can exclusively reveal details of alleged conversations in which members discussed secretly tasting the “pure coke”, their struggle to fulfil the Colombian drug chemist’s shopping list, the code names they used to talk on encrypted apps, and how the Queensland leader was chastised by his overseas bosses for “unprofessionalism”.

The astonishing lengths the group went to in a bid to keep the operation off the radar were described in court documents tendered during a Supreme Court bail application for the alleged Australian leader of the operation, Rhys Alwyn Ferszt.

Ferszt, 33, a former lifeguard turned bodybuilder, was on a career break from his job as a roads and drainage assets officer at Gold Coast City Council at the time of his arrest outside a Darwin gym on July 21.


Rhys Alwyn Ferszt.
Rhys Alwyn Ferszt.

In an affidavit tendered as part of his successful bail application, Ferszt said he hoped to be released in order to allow him to compete in bodybuilding competitions due to be held next month.

“I intend to contest the charges and deny the inferences that are said to be drawn by investigating officers,” he told the court.

Ferszt was granted bail on a charge of conspiracy to manufacture a commercial quantity of a controlled drug on a $200,000 surety put up by his partner on August 26.

The Australian Federal Police had objected to Ferszt’s release, alleging he had been the Australian ringleader of a major drug operation backed by an overseas cartel.

In documents tendered at the bail hearing, police allege a Colombian “chemist”, Fabio Alberto Fernandez Pulgarin, 48, arrived in Australia on May 18 for the purposes of extracting a large quantity of cocaine and teaching others the process, including an Australian-based Colombian national, Alexander Jaramillo, 38.

It is alleged that Ferszt was the ringleader of the group and directed others including Gregory William Murphy, 36, Benjamin Williams, 30, and Douglas Sinnamon, 31, to aid in the set-up and supply of a $250,000 cocaine factory operated out of a purpose-built shed at Durong in the South Burnett.

Surveillance footage of the alleged drug ring.
Surveillance footage of the alleged drug ring.

The operation was allegedly under police surveillance and phones seized revealed the syndicate was allegedly using the encrypted app Threema to communicate with the men using code names to discuss the operation.

Police allege Ferszt went by the codename “Loyalty”, Murphy by the name “Loyalty Sidekick 2.0”, Sinnamon by “dmo” and Jaramillo by the handle “farmers”.

Transcripts of the alleged conversations were tendered in the objection to Ferszt’s bail by the AFP.

On June 1, police allege, Murphy and Ferszt discussed unloading supplies at the Durong shed using the app.

Murphy, going by the handle Loyalty Sidekick 2.0, allegedly said “Like wtf I didn’t know what to think when I seen what unloaded today”.

A message from Loyalty, alleged to be Ferszt, reassures him it’s “just paint bro” “and cleaning chemicals”, but Murphy goes on, talking about ammonia, “glass bottles of s--t” and “drums heavy as f--k”, saying: “When I unloaded it it looked like breaking bad.”

In the same conversation, Murphy allegedly says “I hope neighbours are not nosy” and Ferszt responds “Well if we don’t initiate contact they won’t”.

When Murphy comments that he is “more concerned of the smell”, Ferszt tells him “That’s why they asked so remote”.

“They stressed it” and “It the pre requisites”, he allegedly says.

Over the following days, Murphy and Ferszt allegedly exchange dozens of messages discussing supplies which police allege were needed for the Durong shed and cocaine extraction.

The alleged drug ring likened themselves to Breaking Bad.
The alleged drug ring likened themselves to Breaking Bad.

On June 20, police allege, Ferszt sent a photo of a handwritten list of items needed at the Durong property to Murphy over Threema.

Murphy allegedly responds “Where am I goin to get half this stuff” and Ferszt tells him “Science stores like test tubes and heaps”.

On June 21 about 8.45pm, the pair again talk about items needed at Durong including sheets with a specific polyester cotton blend and Italian paper and the following morning, police allege, a conversation is intercepted between Murphy and Williams.

Murphy is alleged to say: “Rhys has put me on the spot today to get all this done, these c----s are gonna leave because Rhys’ boss sent them here too early …”

According to police, on the morning of June 23, Loyalty Sidekick 2.0, alleged to be Murphy, sent three images to Loyalty, alleged to be Ferszt, including a picture of a bucket allegedly containing cocaine.

Ferszt allegedly replies “be careful on this bro” and “you got a sim in your phone”.

Surveillance footage.
Surveillance footage.

On July 9, police allege, a conversation is had between Murphy and Sinnamon who are seemingly frustrated by Ferszt’s requests, saying he “stresses” them out because he wants things done “as quick as possible”.

Murphy says Ferszt “doesn’t do anything” and has “too much time on his hands”.

Sinnamon allegedly replies: “yeah just throw money at a problem but also make sure nothing’s suss.

“But when you start telling I want a shed f---ing finished a full year earlier before anyone else.

“And I’ll pay you cash, just f----n make it happen.

“Do they want it not to be not suss or what? It’s very confusing.”

In another conversation the following day on July 10, Murphy is allegedly captured talking about Ferszt saying: “there’s a reason why I’m doing everything, anything ever happen with him, we’re all f---ed”.

The alleged drugs.
The alleged drugs.

Murphy allegedly claims that Ferszt is “the link between here and overseas” and says “so if he is out, there is none”.

Police also allegedly captured a conversation between Williams and Murphy on July 15 after they had allegedly taken cocaine.

“I am buzzing off my f---ing head c--t, so are you,” Williams allegedly says.

Murphy is then heard winding down his car window and telling an unknown male, “if my boss asks, we had one test here”.

Williams says: “That is so strong, I’ve never had anything like that.

“It burnt my f---ing insides,” and “it’s nothing like any coke we’ve had is it?”

Murphy replies: “that white s--- was powder, and then they’ll mix that with the f---ing chlorine flakes, and then they’ll press it all. Wash it with the anhydrous soap. That’s just pure coke bro.”

On July 21, the day of their arrest, another encrypted conversation is allegedly captured between Ferszt and Sinnamon in which they allegedly discuss difficulties in how to transport blocks of cocaine.

They allegedly talk about options of covertly stashing the drug in barbecues and fridges.

Ferszt allegedly goes on to complain that “overseas” is “destroying” him for unprofessionalism.

They allegedly continue to discuss options before Ferszt says “ok bro, they thought we could be a bit more creative” and “I’m getting pumped anyways for being unprofessional cause the other guys sent to their boss”.

On July 21, AFP raided the Durong property and allegedly located 100kg of extracted cocaine.

Pulgarin, Jaramillo, Murphy, Williams, Sinnamon and Ferszt were all arrested and charged with conspiracy to manufacture commercial quantities of controlled drugs.

It is understood all of the men will contest the charge.


Surveillance footage.
Surveillance footage.


During conversation on Threema on June 1 around 10.30am allegedly between Murphy and Ferszt

Murphy: Loyalty Sidekick 2.0: Like wtf I didn’t know what to think when I seen what unloaded today

Ferszt: Loyalty: Just paint bro

Ferszt: Loyalty: And cleaning chemicals

Murphy: Loyalty Sidekick 2.0: What acid what ammonia something glass bottles of sh*t black drums heavy as f*ck

Ferszt: Loyalty: Yes that’s cleaners

Murphy: Loyalty Sidekick 2.0: Hydraulic acid bottles of it

Ferszt: Loyalty: Cleaning products it’s everything you can get over the shelf

Murphy: Loyalty Sidekick 2.0: When I unloaded it it looked like breaking bad – [understood to be a reference to the hit American television series in which a high school science teacher begins producing drugs]

Murphy: Loyalty Sidekick 2.0: And mabey (sic) wait till the shed is up before they start anything

On 23 June about 8.40am Murphy sends three images to ‘Loyalty’ including a picture of a bucket allegedly containing cocaine.

Ferszt: Loyalty: be careful on this bro

Ferszt: Loyalty: You got a sim in your phone

On July 15, between 6.30pm and 8pm audio from a vehicle allegedly reveals a conversation between Murphy and Williams

WILLIAMS: "I am buzzing off my f*cking head c*nt, so are you”;

MURPHY winds down his car window and calls an unknown male over and says to the unknown male, “if my boss asks, we had one test here”

WILLIAMS: “that is so strong, I’ve never had anything like that. It burnt my f*cking insides”, and “it’s nothing like any coke we’ve had is it?”

MURPHY: “that white sh*t was powder, and then they’ll mix that with the f*cking chlorine flakes, and then they’ll press it all. Wash it with the anhydrous soap. That’s just pure coke bro”;

WILLIAMS: “I f*cking know it is. I can f*cking tell that. F**king pure as it goes. Oh my god”;

MURPHY: “there is that cloth that you see draining through. Something something cloth, sheet. It’s like 80% polyester, 20% cotton. You buy it in a roll. We couldn’t find it anywhere, then we found it.”

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