
Douglas Jackway back at precinct after sex offender order breach

Notorious child sex offender Douglas Jackway has once again been freed from jail, this time just months after breaching his dangerous prisoner release order for the third time in four years.

Jackway will live at the Wacol Precinct, a collection of houses near the Wacol Correctional Centre where sex offenders reside with support and supervision.
Jackway will live at the Wacol Precinct, a collection of houses near the Wacol Correctional Centre where sex offenders reside with support and supervision.

Notorious child rapist Douglas Jackway has once again been freed from jail months after breaching his dangerous prisoner release order for the third time in four years.

A court ordered Jackway, 47, be released from custody by 11am today onto a 15-year supervision order under the Dangerous Prisoner Sexual Offender Act (DPSOA) which first began in 2020.

Under the order, Jackway will live at the Wacol Precinct, a collection of houses near the Wacol Correctional Centre where sex offenders reside with support and supervision from corrections staff.

Jackway was a resident of the precinct late last year when he breached his order by having repeated unauthorised contact with a woman, having a second mobile phone, and testing positive to a prohibited substance, all in breach of his DPSOA conditions.

Convicted pedophile Douglas Jackway.
Convicted pedophile Douglas Jackway.

During a Supreme Court hearing on Monday, Justice Catherine Muir said in November, Jackway pleaded guilty to six breaches and was sentenced to six months imprisonment suspended for six months.

“These concern repeated unauthorised contacts with a woman known as MS, having a second mobile phone and testing positive for buprenorphine (a synthetic opioid) on two occasions,” she said.

It was the third time Jackway had been taken back into custody for breaching his DPSOA.

He was last released back to the precinct in June 2023 after he was busted for smuggling the same woman MS into the Wacol Precinct in January that year.

During the visit, Jackway and the woman took photos of themselves together that were later discovered by the man she lived with.

Douglas Jackway with the woman at the precinct.
Douglas Jackway with the woman at the precinct.

According to court documents, the man taunted Jackway when he found the photos before reporting the woman’s visit to the precinct that was prohibited under his release conditions.

“He contacted me first to say, ‘How does your freedom feel?’,” Jackway later told a psychologist.

In June 2021, six months after his first release in December 2020, he breached the order by helping to inject an unauthorised visitor to the precinct with drugs.

After that breach, he was released from custody back onto the order in November 2021.

Jackway, who was previously a suspect in the murder of Daniel Morcombe, once threatened to cut the throat of a nine-year-old boy after he was caught in the act of raping him.

He has spent nearly all of his adult life in prison and was released onto the DPSOA order in 2020 despite psychiatrists warning that he displayed “prominent psychopathic traits”.

The dangerous sex offender was also convicted of raping a little girl and has been described by a corrections officer as the worst inmate he’d met in his career.

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