
Cop killer Gareth Train’s bizarre conspiracy theories posted on Citizens Initiated Referendums

One of the gunmen who executed two police officers before being gunned down himself posted bizarre conspiracy theories about Donald Trump, his mistrust of police and gun laws.

Two young police officers among six dead in Queensland shootout

One of the gunmen who killed two police officers in an execution-style ambush on the western Darling Downs has posted about past confrontations with police and bizarre conspiracy theories about Donald Trump.

Gareth Train alongside his wife Stacey Train and brother Nathaniel Train was shot dead in a firefight with police on a property at Wieambilla, south of Chinchilla on Monday night.

They had only hours earlier ambushed four police officers, killing two and a neighbour who had come to the property after hearing gunshots.

Gareth Train’s property at Wieambilla where two police officers were executed. Picture: Nine News
Gareth Train’s property at Wieambilla where two police officers were executed. Picture: Nine News

In a chilling post on Citizens Initiated Referendums, Train discussed citizen’s rights and police, describing police officers attending his property.

“I have directed law enforcement to leave my premises over the last 20yrs, having no reason or grounds and at times have also asked them to remove their hands from their weapons or pull their pistols and whistle Dixie,” he wrote.

“Fortunately for me they have all been cowards.

“Our country is at a point where even cowards are now dangerous because they are unpredictable in groups, turn your back and you may find yourself out cold on the floor with law enforcement dancing on your head. We are seeing this in Victoria.”

Gareth and Stacey Train’s Wieambilla home.
Gareth and Stacey Train’s Wieambilla home.

Train also posted about the Port Arthur massacre on other websites, claiming mass shooter Martin Bryant was the “perfect patsy”, that the shooting was a “false flag” operation and was a “government psy-op massacre”.

“Anyone who watch the live media coverage at the time (1996) and was aware of the political deceit lead up, knows that this was a Government Psychological Operation to disarm the Australian population,” he wrote on one website.

“Martin was the perfect patsy. The Australian government is guilty of mass murder, it’s not the first time and won’t be the last. Joint operation CIA, MI6, Mossad, ASIO and the Australian SASR.

“The MK special operator (shooter 1) gave the game away in a recorded phone conversation dropping the operation name JAMIE. ‘Jamie’ is not shooter 1’s name nor did he make it up on the spot, he was dropping the code name to be clever.”

In another post he spoke about “the lengths these people will go to see their agenda succeed”.

“Since PA 96 the false flag operations in Australia never stopped and I suspect will never stop as the retarded masses are so easily influenced and controlled by the Hegelian dialectic,” he wrote.

In a separate piece written about Covid vaccinations, Gareth responded to the article in January this year stating “Stupid is as stupid does, the demonic juice is a neurological bioweapon permanently altering stupid’s mind, so there’s no fixing stupid”.

“It’s a choice stupid made, now stupid has to live and die with it. This is a time like no other, nor will ever be again.

“Where possible, live at peace with all men; when not possible, pick up your sword. Our Lord, our King, our Brother Jesus Christ stands with us in this time. Be well.”

Train also posted about Donald Trump and efforts to stop Donald Trump winning the presidential election against Hillary Clinton.

“Everyone needs a hero, a good guy this is how we have been programmed to think from conception,” Train wrote

“I’m sorry to inform you this is a trick, there are no hero’s (sic) or good guys that will lead the world out of this sh*t show.

Gareth Train’s brother Nathaniel.
Gareth Train’s brother Nathaniel.

“Tr@mp is a “deal maker” in his own words. The Clintons, Epstein, the 1%ers, deep state, CIA, Q …. are all his life long friends.

“I’m not questioning Tr@mps policies which have been good for the USA but his bedfellows. Don’t be fooled. For those who missed some of Tr@mps past media speeches, ‘I am the head of NWO’…. here is another ‘I won’t be waiting for the courts to remove firearms from mentally ill, I will be confiscating all firearms then it can be dealt with by the courts’.

“Who are ‘the mentally ill?’

“In the USA and Australia and the world over conspiracy theorists or those who question established authority are being declared mentally ill …. This has already occurred in Qld, Dalby man handing out anti government propaganda arrested and has registered firearms confiscated. Due diligence people, wake up from the global trance you are in, see past the game show, they all have the same end point totalitarian control.”

In another post, Gareth claims he was followed and harassed by planes, helicopters and drones in what he referred to as “threats”.

Emergency services outside Gareth Train’s Wieambilla property.
Emergency services outside Gareth Train’s Wieambilla property.

He said he and his wife erased and dumped their phones after apparent suspicious phone calls.

“Note to the controllers, I remained quiet and lived my life because you started cleaning your house with gang style shootings, accidents, suicides and heart attacks,” he wrote.

“Sept 2020 Surveillance drone flown over property, several close passes of house.

“Sept 2020 Spoofed number text messages 1. `We will be in your area tomorrow and would like you to view our van’, 2. `We will be out to see you soon’.

“Oct 2020 Following these mms text an incident occurred at the front of our rural property during the night, delivered rapidly …

Overwhelming community support for Wieambilla shooting victims

“Nov, Dec 2020 and Jan 2021 light plane fly overs within 20 metres of the house roof – complaint lodged with casa for all it’s worth, I just wanted to see the reaction. No further close fly overs to date.

“Feb 2021 isolated rural high way incident. Unknown helicopter followed and hovered overtop of vehicle for several hundred metres. Followed by motor bike with pillion passenger several attempts to come alongside before entering town limits.

“To understand the explicit nature and delivery of other threats would require an understanding of V2K technology, messages were barbaric medieval practices.”

In another post, Gareth Train claimed “chemical agents were deployed over populated areas at altitude, drifted 100s of kms”.

“Deployment sights include Greater Melbourne area, Greater Sydney area, Gold Coast and Brisbane, the chemicals drifted several hundred km covering most of Vic., NSW and SE & SW Qld. MSM and independent media are not covering this occurrence,” he said.

“We are now being poisoned and chemically manipulated on a massive scale.”

When challenged on his claims he then went on to say he didn’t have photographic proof but it was “ramping up out here on the western downs last night at 0030, EMF chemclouds spanned the sky”.

“Today at 10:30 a large plane threw a dozen lines to the south,” he wrote.

“A quick search of the net can provide photos of chemskies on the twit and bookface of occurrence in VIC, NSW and Goldcoast.

“I have only just found your site but I’m at the point that I can no longer be bothered with my evidence gathering no one seems to care. We live in the land of distraction. I’m sure ASIO would provide evidence on request – NOT. They (ASIO) took an oath and can’t be bothered to do their job.”

Read related topics:Donald Trump

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