
Controversy in case against gov integrity report author Peter Coaldrake’s wife

Controversy has erupted in the legal proceedings involving the wife of former QUT vice chancellor Peter Coaldrake with the magistrate determining her matter be dealt with alone.

Controversy has erupted in the legal proceedings involving the wife of former QUT vice chancellor Peter Coaldrake, who is charged over her alleged role in a climate protest at parliament.

A magistrate has determined her matter be dealt with alone, also advising the legal representatives may possibly be “called on” in relation to their conduct.

Dr Lee Ann Coaldrake Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Liam Kidston
Dr Lee Ann Coaldrake Brisbane Magistrates Court. Picture: Liam Kidston

Retired anaesthetist, Dr Lee Ann Coaldrake, whose husband Peter Coaldrake led a review into integrity for the State Government was charged with one count of disturbing the legislature after she and other Extinction Rebellion members demonstrated inside Parliament House on November 30, 2022.

Ms Coaldrake is one of 14 climate change protesters labelled the “Green Grannies”.

In October, Magistrate Joseph Pinder, ruled that Ms Coaldrake’s case be heard alone despite prosecution and defence both being under a “misapprehension” that the defendants would be heard together, instead refusing their request as the trial had already been part heard.

In February, before a different magistrate, it was ruled that the case be heard with the other 13 defendants however Mr Pinder described those orders made as “unlawful” and “not binding”.

“The defendant’s solicitors filed electronically, an application for a direction hearing seeking an order,” he said.

Peter Coaldrake was the author of an integrity report for the state government.
Peter Coaldrake was the author of an integrity report for the state government.

“Concerningly in the covering correspondence filing the application, the defendants solicitor’s did not inform the registry or the court that this was a part heard matter before me and that the issues of the orders from which the defence to be heard together had been ventilated, abandoned and dealt with on 23 October 2023.

“That had been confirmed during the mention on February 8, 2024.

Mr Pinder said if the application for it to be heard together was going to be made, it needed to be done before the hearing had commenced saying no attempt had been made.

“There is a single charge against a single defendant, Ms Coaldrake, which is part heard before me and will proceed to hearing on 16 July 2024,” he said.

“There’s an issue in relation to just determining this matter. And at the end of it, it may well be the legal representatives of the parties will be called on in relation to their conduct.”

Extinction Rebellion protesters including Lee Ann Coaldrake outside court.
Extinction Rebellion protesters including Lee Ann Coaldrake outside court.

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