
Our Criminal History

The 1904 deaths of the Slys made headlines in turn-of-the-century Sydney.
Book extract

The Suicide Bride

Three desperate children run to a neighbour with horrific news: “Mammy and Daddy are dead.” It’s 1904 and an all-too-common case of murder-suicide, but there’s a wider family story, raising stark questions about criminality and the notion of nature versus nurture. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT

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Seven bizarre SA crimes of the 1800s

SOUTH Australia has a well-deserved reputation for weird crimes — but you probably haven’t heard of these oddball cases because they date back to the colony’s early decades.

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Hanged child killer ‘in pact with the devil’

IVY Mitchell was just 11 when she farewelled a young friend and walked home alone, her bare feet leaving tracks in the dust. But soon another set of prints would appear next to hers. This new set was bigger. Much bigger. A man’s boots. A killer’s boots.

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