
Mongrel Mob members.
Mongrel Mob members.

Mongrel Mob’s Gold Coast clubhouse

ONE of New Zealand’s most violent gangs has muscled its way into the Gold Coast underworld, forming a growing club in Coomera.

The Mongrel Mob have established a clubhouse in a large backyard shed, as the predominantly New Zealand-based membership grows.

Sources have told the Gold Coast Bulletin the group has been on a membership drive, branching out to try and recruit young Aboriginal men and other New Zealand natives in an attempt to grow their footprint on the Coast.

Historically, the Mongrel Mob have had a strong contingent in Logan, around the Eagleby area, although with a growing New Zealand and Pacific Islander population in suburbs like Coomera, they have begun to spread south.

Inside Mongrel Mob clubhouse

It’s understood the Gold Coast chapter has strong ties to the Hastings and Waikato areas in New Zealand.

Several police sources have told the Gold Coast Bulletin they have been aware of the Mongrel Mob’s activities on the Coast and now with the gang declared an “identified organisation” they will have the power to go after them.

It is believed police have become concerned about the gang’s violent behaviour out of state and across the ditch.


There are fears the Gold Coast-based gang members will branch into criminal behaviour like their New Zealand counterparts.
There are fears the Gold Coast-based gang members will branch into criminal behaviour like their New Zealand counterparts.


They fear the growing faction on the Coast and in Brisbane will follow in the footsteps of their more developed brothers, who dabble in murder, robbery, standover tactics and an array of other criminal behaviour.

A Mongrel Mob member shows their hand sign
A Mongrel Mob member shows their hand sign

It is unknown how many members there actually are on the Coast, but it is understood they have strong connections to the Brisbane chapter and a well-developed chapter in Melbourne.

Another member posts on social media at the clubhouse
Another member posts on social media at the clubhouse

The Mongrel Mob logo features a bulldog wearing a Nazi Germany helmet. It is believed the bulldog, their salute, the use of the swastika and even the war cry of “Sieg Heil”, aren’t meant to be racist, but were used as a shock tactic when the gang first sprung up in New Zealand in the 1960s and have been mainstays of the club since.

It would be contradictory to the predominantly Maori membership to follow Nazi beliefs.

A number of Coomera locals, too scared to be named, told the Gold Coast Bulletin they had seen a growing increase in Mongrel Mob activity and members in their community.

Many of them parents, they fear their teenage sons will be dragged into the organisation that spruiks itself as a community group, a brotherhood for young men.

Although it’s believed they’ve begun dabbling in criminal behaviours in the area and are well known to police in the Eagleby area.

Several gang members
Several gang members

Today during Estimates Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath declared them an ‘identified organisation’, which means the Mongrel Mob are now subject to the same laws as an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang.

The Mongrel Mob has been rapidly growing on the Gold Coast.
The Mongrel Mob has been rapidly growing on the Gold Coast.

It appears the Attorney-General’s office neglected to communicate the plan with Police Minister Mark Ryan. When the Gold Coast Bulletin contacted Mr Ryan’s office yesterday about the impending declaration, they had no idea the Mongrel Mob was about to be declared an “identified organisation”.

A spokesman told the Gold Coast Bulletin their office was not aware of any action set to be taken against the now outlaw organisation.

The members have been outspoken on social media
The members have been outspoken on social media

Sources have told the Gold Coast Bulletin the Labor Government only began taking interest in the gang when they showed up at a Labor march this year in Brisbane wearing their colours.

At the time it wasn’t illegal for the Mongrel Mob to wear their patches in public, although that will now change and they will face the same stringent laws as OMCGs on the Coast.

Organised Crime Gangs Group’s Operations Commander, Detective Superintendent Roger Lowe said police would use every legal mechanism available to dismantle and disrupt organised crime gangs operating in Queensland.

Gold Coast Mongrel Mob colours and patches.
Gold Coast Mongrel Mob colours and patches.

“This legislation has restricted the ability of gangs to create a climate of fear and intimidation in the community through the deliberate statement of membership attached to club colours,” Detective Superintendent Lowe said.

“The declaration of the Mongrel Mob as an identified organisation is about addressing and preventing violent, criminal and anti-social behaviour of gangs.

“The implication for Mongrel Mob is now they cannot wear their colours or logos in public.

“The Queensland Police Service is committed to pursuing illegal activity of members of organised crime groups and gang members right across the state.”

Gold Coast Mongrel Mob colours and patches.
Gold Coast Mongrel Mob colours and patches.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath said the declaration, to be approved by Governor in Council today, targeted a gang widely described as one of the most fearsome in the world.

“Today’s declaration is further proof that Queensland’s regime to combat the threat posed by criminal gangs and organised crime is the toughest and most effective in Australia,” Mrs D’Ath said.

“The Police Commissioner has advised there is evidence of Mongrel Mob activity in Queensland and we are acting to prevent it from establishing a foothold in the state.

“This is an organisation with the attributes of an outlaw motorcycle gang with violent initiation processes, Nazi insignia and motto and members who outside Queensland have been involved in murder, armed robberies, extortion, home invasion, firearms and drug offences.

“QPS has advised Mongrel Mob members have recently displayed their colours in public in Brisbane, Logan, Rockhampton and the Gold Coast.”

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