
Cold Cases

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True Crime

Secrets police fear Milat has taken to his grave

Ivan Milat took to his grave the true number of people he killed with two top former detectives — retired chief superintendent Wayne Gordon and retired Assistant Commissioner Clive Small — estimating the toll to be at least 13, and likely far higher.

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Murder twist: Trees cut down in search for missing mum

Police have started cutting down trees and overgrown grass as they prepare to dig underneath a Blue Mountains’ home in the grim hope of finding the remains of young mum-of-two Belinda Peisley, who is believed to have been murdered 20 years ago . SIX ‘PERSONS OF INTEREST’ REVEALED.

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Dad’s pain over last call from Belinda

Sydney truck driver Mark Wearne will always regret the argument he had with his daughter Belinda Peisley during their final phone conversation when she begged him to sort out an acquaintance who became a person of interest in her disappearance.

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