Homeless man evicted from makeshift campsite following complaints
A homeless man living in a popular park has been evicted by the Sunshine Coast Council after locals lodged numerous complaints about his behaviour.
The Sunshine Coast Daily Locked Out campaign delves into the region's housing affordability issues in a bid to ensure the safety of a home is not out of reach for so many in our community.
A homeless man living in a popular park has been evicted by the Sunshine Coast Council after locals lodged numerous complaints about his behaviour.
A wheelchair-bound mother and her elderly, cancer-ridden father could be homeless within weeks after being handed a rental eviction notice from their Sunshine Coast landlord.
A terminally ill Coast man says he is afraid he will die on the street if his “desperate” pleas for housing are not heard as figures reveal demand for social housing far outstrips supply.
A Sunshine Coast charity is calling for greater assistance from governments to ensure those most vulnerable aren’t left behind.
Sunshine Coast restaurateur Tony Kelly and other business owners have opened up on the brutal battle to recruit staff during the ongoing housing affordability crisis.
The Queensland Housing and Homelessness Action Plan commits 137 new social housing homes to be built on the Sunshine Coast over the next four years.
The sale of a Nambour home at more than $1m could lead to more residents being priced out of the market and worsen the homeless crisis, Saint Vincent de Paul has warned.
As the Coast population continues to grow, experts are warning Baby Boomers are set to price out essential workers when it comes to finding somewhere to live.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/topics/sunshine-coast-locked-out