Premier considers action after discovery of major integrity loophole
Premier Steven Miles is looking to close a major integrity loophole that has been exposed just six months out from the state election.
All the latest news on the Palaszczuk government's integrity crisis
Premier Steven Miles is looking to close a major integrity loophole that has been exposed just six months out from the state election.
Premier Steven Miles says he will ask the Integrity Commissioner Linda Waugh to investigate a loophole that allowed lobbyists to hold secret meetings with the LNP.
The Queensland Government has released previously secret cabinet documents after The Courier-Mail revealed a delay to the implementation of a key integrity measure.
Steven Miles has channelled Annastacia Palaszczuk as the Opposition goes on the attack over the Premier’s integrity. QUESTION TIME BLOG
The Opposition has forced the government to show its hand on whether corruption investigations should be made public or remain hidden.
A sad culture has developed within the state bureaucracy where officials seek reasons why information should be kept hidden, writes the editor.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s move to re-establish a complaints clearing house is a welcome move, but it’s a promise she should have honoured from the start, writes Hayden Johnson.
Outgoing Information Commissioner Rachael Rangihaeata has used her final annual report to warn of ongoing integrity issues.
The reason why a “clearing house” for corruption tip-offs and complaints recommended by the landmark Coaldrake integrity was dumped by the government has been revealed.
The same state government that hid a $2.4 billion blowout in its train building program and built a $200 million quarantine white elephant now claims an integrity measure is too expensive, writes the editor.
Annastacia Palaszczuk will break her promise to implement Peter Coaldrake’s integrity recommendations “lock, stock and barrel”.
Laws protecting Queensland’s public service whistleblowers should be ripped up and redrawn in a bid to provide more protections a major review has concluded.
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