
Tim Gibson, the youngest Australian civilian astronaut to travel to space

TIM Gibson is an ordinary guy who dreamt of going to space ever since he was a little boy. Now, at 29, he will become the youngest Australian astronaut.

The AXE space race

TIM Gibson is an ordinary guy who dreamt of going to space ever since he was a little boy. Now, at 29, he will become the youngest Australian astronaut.

Mr Gibson won the coveted spot through a competition. He went to the LYNX Space Academy Florida to compete against three other Australians, all vying for the chance to become an astronaut. He will become the first civilian Australian to go to space on a commercial flight.

At 29, he is also the youngest Australian civilian astronaut to travel to space, beating Australian astronaut Andy Thomas who made his maiden voyage at age 45, by 16 years.

His journey, along with the 100 other aspiring astronauts from around the world, has been recorded in a one-hour documentary, airing on Channel One at 7.30pm tonight. spoke with Mr Gibson about his journey towards real life space travel.

Tim Gibson (right) standing proudly with American space legend Buzz Aldrin, judge of the LYNX space competition
Tim Gibson (right) standing proudly with American space legend Buzz Aldrin, judge of the LYNX space competition

How did your space dream start?

I had dreams when I was five and six, when I would look up into the sky and imagine being an astronaut. I always wanted to join the air force to become a pilot. I applied with the Australian Defence Force but got knocked back because I fell just short of their eyesight requirements. But I wanted to explore space. The opportunity I ended up getting is so much better than being a pilot.

How did you find out about the competition?

I was sitting watching the television and an advertisement came on that said ‘do you want to go to space?’ I said ‘yes’. You had to buy LYNX deodorant to enter. I went straight out and bought nine bottles.

When I got the call to say that I had made it to the next round I was very, very excited. I nearly put a hole through the wall.

How did you prepare for the Florida Space Academy?

I started my own physical training straight away. It involved ‘anti-G’ training — to protect yourself from blacking out under extreme G forces — sprints, weight-based training, core training, swimming, running and mixed martial arts.

Tim emerging victorious after the G-centrifuge challenge at the LYNX Space Academy
Tim emerging victorious after the G-centrifuge challenge at the LYNX Space Academy

Give us a taste of the competition week

It ran over a week in Florida. I was competing against three other Australians for the opportunity to go to space. We were tested in a range of disciplines such as military fighter flying, centrifuge, aptitude knowledge of space, physics theory, military assault course. We also got to spend time in the vomit comet; a zero-G 727 converted aircraft, which simulates zero-gravity atmosphere of a space shuttle cabin.

When is the space trip?

It’s scheduled for early 2016, but no date has been set yet. It will be a one-hour flight into the Earth’s atmosphere, with just myself and the space shuttle captain. We’ll be flying ten times as high as a commercial jet.

Tim competing during a rocket building challenge.
Tim competing during a rocket building challenge.

What are your must have items to take on a trip to space?

I’d love to take my dog, but I don’t think they’ll let me. A camera, obviously. People have been asking me to take their T-shirts, socks and even undies to space, just so they can say they’ve been in space. Some people want to auction them off for charity.

And what’s Tim Gibson’s message to young people with the same dreams?

No matter what you think may or may not happen, just keep trying and something good will happen.

Watch Tim Gibson compete with 100 other aspiring astronauts from around the world on Generation Astronaut tonight, March 31, at 7.30pm on Channel One.

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