
NHL star’s embarrassing red carpet Nelson Mandela gaffe

NELSON Mandela was a South African anti-Apartheid leader, a global icon who never played ice hockey. Can someone please tell this NHL star.

Nelson Mandela? Never heard of him
Nelson Mandela? Never heard of him

NELSON Mandela was a South African anti-Apartheid leader, a global icon. He never played ice hockey. We realise this is likely not news to you but someone needs to tell Jonathan Bernier.

Toronto Maple Leafs goalie Bernier attended a gala to celebrate the life and legacy of Mandela — only it seems the shotstopper has never heard of the great man.

Question: Obviously Nelson Mandela, one of the most significant historical figures of the twentieth century. What knowledge or awareness did you have of him growing up, or when did you learn of him?

Bernier: Well obviously growing up, he’s one of the most known athletes in the world. A lot of impact in any kind of sport that he did, and even playing hockey, everyone knows him, right? From being the type of person that he was off the ice and on the ice. It’s unfortunate that he passed a year ago, but, he changed a lot while he was with us, and he’s a tremendous guy.

Most known athletes ... type of person off and on the ice. Oh brother.

Watch the video above as Bernier painfully attempts to bluff his way through his ignorance.

Originally published as NHL star’s embarrassing red carpet Nelson Mandela gaffe

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