
QRL boss Bruce Hatcher says cutting Origin camps is ‘crazy’, Blues engage in mind games

The success of the Toowoomba fan day has prompted Queensland to stand their ground in a State of Origin war with NSW, with QRL boss Bruce Hatcher bristling at the idea of shorter player camps.

Reece Walsh was the star of the show as the Queensland Origin team hold a training session and fan day at Toowoomba ahead of game 2 in Melbourne. Pics Adam Head
Reece Walsh was the star of the show as the Queensland Origin team hold a training session and fan day at Toowoomba ahead of game 2 in Melbourne. Pics Adam Head

The stunning success of Queensland’s fan day in Toowoomba has prompted the Maroons to bitterly oppose a push to shorten State of Origin camps.

QRL chairman Bruce Hatcher has declared cutting the camp from 10 to seven days as part of a move to play the three match series in quick time would be like “cutting the umbilical cord’’ that connects the Queensland side to their rural fans.

“It would be crazy to cut the camp down,’’ Hatcher told this masthead.

“Those scenes in Toowoomba last week (where 6000 fans attended) were some of the best I have seen in rugby league. Imagine losing that.

“Only the other day it was raised about shortening the camp to seven days. If they go that way days like we saw in Toowoomba would be lost. It can’t happen.

Reece Walsh was the star of the show in Toowoomba. Picture: Adam Head
Reece Walsh was the star of the show in Toowoomba. Picture: Adam Head

“People want to change this but so much of rugby league’s success stems from Origin.

“It works. Just leave it as it is. There is no need to change.’’

Hatcher believes the success of the fan day should make NRL bosses review where they place the expansion teams.

“People forget just how passionate people in the western corridor outside Brisbane are about rugby league. That area could easily absorb another side.’’


Coach Billy Slater’s feud with Michael Maguire isn’t as fiery as Origin words used to be. Picture: Chris Hyde/Getty Images
Coach Billy Slater’s feud with Michael Maguire isn’t as fiery as Origin words used to be. Picture: Chris Hyde/Getty Images

Origin barneys are not what they used to be.

Remember the days when Mal Meninga used his Sunday-Mail column to call NSW “rats and filth?’’

NSW coach Michael Maguire gave us something for the week when he gave Billy Slater a gentle tickle over Slater’s concerns over the tackle which sent Reece Walsh to planet Pluto in Origin I.

“I think you’ve got to make sure you don’t live in glass houses,’’ Maguire said in reference to Slater’s significant disciplinary record.

The story trickled on for a few days but compared to the fiery days of eras past barely rated a ripple.


Max Plath has been in great form for the Dolphins. Picture: Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images
Max Plath has been in great form for the Dolphins. Picture: Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images

Whenever Allan Langer names the greatest Broncos teams he played with he often finishes the sentence with “and of course don’t forget John Plath”.

That’s because he never has. Langer reckons the versatile utility was a priceless part of the Broncos success.

It’s no wonder former Broncos coach Wayne Bennett is now loving the hustle, bustle and relentless effort that Plath's son Max is bringing to his Dolphins.

It seems only a matter of time before Plath plays State of Origin. Queensland should get him around the squad as soon as possible.


Latrell Mitchell is inside Queensland’s heads. Picture: Tim Hunter
Latrell Mitchell is inside Queensland’s heads. Picture: Tim Hunter

For Queensland to beat NSW this Wednesday they need more than just talent – they need a mind guru.

Game twos is State of Origin are all about the mind. The stats don’t lie.

In the last eight Origin series, game one losers playing at home or at a neutral venue have won seven and lost one in the second game of the series.

That is an easily explained statistic. Of course some of these wins are at home venues for the team beaten in game one but it is also about the pure desperation of having to keep the series alive.

The biggest challenge for Queensland coach Billy Slater in this game is not getting his bench rotations right or producing a plan to contain Latrell Mitchell.

It’s getting his players’ heads right. None of the nuances matter more than the collective head space.

Somehow he has to convince his players there is no safety net if they lose this game – even though there is.

Somehow he has to convince them there is no tomorrow even though they know there is a warm and fuzzy tomorrow waiting for them in the third game at Suncorp Stadium.

If Queensland are five per cent off in Melbourne they lose. This match has the strong whiff of a Blues ambush.

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