1/19Firebirds players, L to R, Gabi Simpson (captain) plays Wing Defence, Romelda Aiken a Goal Shooter, posing in their new stadium, at Nathan, on Thursday February 20th, 2019. Picture: AAP
In Pictures: Inside the Firebirds’ new nest
The $44M QLD State Netball Centre opens its doors on Sunday, but Firebirds Romelda Aiken and Gabi Simpson have given us the full tour of their new stadium.
2/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
3/19Firebirds player, Romelda Aiken a Goal Shooter, posing in their new stadium, at Nathan, on Thursday February 20th, 2019. Picture: AAP
4/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
5/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
6/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
7/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
8/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
9/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
10/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
11/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
12/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
13/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
14/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
15/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
16/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
17/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
18/19Firebirds players, L to R, Romelda Aiken a Goal Shooter with Gabi Simpson (captain) plays Wing Defence, posing in the Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP
19/19Firebirds new stadium, at Nathan. Picture: AAP