
Video: Disabled boy’s dream realised with touchdown in American high school football game

WATCH: Two American high school football teams took time out in the middle of a game to give a disabled boy a heartwarming special moment.

Disabled boy’s heartwarming touchdown
Disabled boy’s heartwarming touchdown

TWO American high school football teams took time out in the middle of a game to give a disabled boy a heartwarming special moment.

Justin Olenginski, who was born blind, with walking difficulties and other disabilities, had only ever been able to watch his friends and three siblings as they played sport in Dallas, Pennsylvania.

But with the help of Dallas High School and their opposing team, Olenginski had his moment in the sun when they allowed him to take the quarterback’s hand-off and, with the help of his brother, run in a touchdown.

Olenginski’s moment was capped off with fireworks and a cannon after he crossed the line into the end zone.

Justin Olenginski celebrates his touchdown with the help of his brother.
Justin Olenginski celebrates his touchdown with the help of his brother.

“Both teams cheered him on and gave him a handshake and hugged him and his brother picked up him and carried him off the field with his team walking with him. It was tremendous,” Dallas High School principal Jeffrey Shaffer told ABC News.

Olenginski’s mother Angela said it was one of the highlights of her son’s life.

“He heard the crowds calling his name and the fireworks and everything, so he really got to experience that moment. It was pretty exciting for us and for Justin,” she said.

“I think just everybody making a big deal about him was the most exciting part for him. He’s been through a lot, and so this is a pretty big deal and a really happy moment for our family and for Justin to experience.”

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