
New Orleans Saints fan breaks Cincinnati Bengals fan’s heart

TONY Williams is copping a whole lot of abuse for his behaviour in the stands at an NFL game today. And to be honest, he deserves it.

Sport’s biggest jerk ‘should be ashamed’
Sport’s biggest jerk ‘should be ashamed’

TONY Williams is copping a whole lot of abuse for his behaviour in the stands at an NFL game today.

And to be honest, he deserves it.

Tight end Jermaine Gresham had just given the Cincinnati Bengals a 20-3 lead over the New Orleans Saints with his second touchdown catch of the game.

Gresham then tried to do something nice and tossed the ball to Bengals fan Christa Barrett.

But Williams, a Saints fan, would have none of that.

He swooped and stole the ball from Barrett, who begged and begged for him to give it back.

But Williams refused.

Watch the incident in the video above

“He was not budging at all,” Barrett told The Cincinnati Enquirer.

“He kept saying, ‘No, ma’am. No, ma’am,’” Barrett’s friend Cara Meadows added.

Williams said he had been sitting in the same seat since the Superdome opened in 1975 and there was “Noooooo” chance he was going to give up that ball.


“Because I caught it,” Williams said. “It’s very simple, I caught the football.”

Bengals star Gresham ripped into Williams post-match, telling AP: “He should be ashamed of himself, and you can put that on the record.”

The good news for Barrett is the Saints rectified the situation, giving her a ball of her own after the game.

Originally published as New Orleans Saints fan breaks Cincinnati Bengals fan’s heart

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