
Match maker: Porn star LisaAnn sprays NHL player on Twitter

LET this be a lesson to us all: Don’t ask the porn star you used to date to play match maker.

LET this be a lesson to us all: Don’t ask the porn star you used to date to play match maker.

Michael Del Zotto had to be the courier for this universal message, and legendary porn star Lisa Ann had to be the (G-rated) teacher.

The adult films star, recently making headlines for possibly scoring with another athlete, turned her rage — and 749,000 followers — toward Del Zotto, a former Ranger. The current Flyer, apparently, has been bombarding Ann with requests to play cupid and set him up with women.

And in her own way, she does exactly that: “@MichaelDelZotto is looking for dates, lots of them!” she tweets at one point in her epic rant. But we’re not sure how many women will still be interested after Ann’s delightful Twitter-sode:

Originally published as Match maker: Porn star LisaAnn sprays NHL player on Twitter

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