
Have your say on who the best women’s footballer in regional Queensland is

We’ve listed the 100 best women’s footballers in regional Queensland, now it’s time to have your say in our readers poll. VOTE NOW

Tiarna Jericho for Tigers. AFL women, Hawks vs Tigers. Saturday, April 29, 2023. Picture: Nev Madsen.
Tiarna Jericho for Tigers. AFL women, Hawks vs Tigers. Saturday, April 29, 2023. Picture: Nev Madsen.

We’ve nominated the 100 best women’s footballers regional Queensland has to offer, now it’s time for you, the reader, to you have your say.

Vote for who you think the best footballer across competitions from the Sunshine Coast up to Cairns is.

Nominations were made based on the top 17-20 players in each competition’s respective best on ground totals according to PlayHQ.

Check out our men’s poll here.

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