
We must not allow suicide to become normalised

The incidence of youth suicide has not decreased in Australia since the 1990s, writes Kylie Lang. And as another schoolgirl takes her life, we must address this properly.

“It just kills me that I’ll never snuggle with my beautiful baby ever again…” Linda Trevan lost her daughter, Cassidy, to suicide recently. (Pic: Facebook/Linda Trevan)
“It just kills me that I’ll never snuggle with my beautiful baby ever again…” Linda Trevan lost her daughter, Cassidy, to suicide recently. (Pic: Facebook/Linda Trevan)

Why are so many young people taking the extreme step of ending their lives?

I don’t want to trivialise what must be a parent’s worst nightmare, but suicide appears to be dangerously fashionable.

In raising awareness of what experts are calling an epidemic, are we unintentionally normalising it as a way out?

Suicide is more than serious. It is the irreversible and ultimately final expression of angst, often signposted by self-harming and other measures to draw attention to problems brought on by bullying, abuse, depression and anxiety.

Being a teenager is, and always has been, difficult. It’s a time of raging hormones, sexual awakening, self-doubt and uncertainty about impending adulthood, but most of us get through it.

These days, tragically, a growing number don’t.

Cassidy Trevan is one of these young people. This week her distraught mother Linda told how the 15-year-old Victorian schoolgirl took her life after being allegedly gang-raped in a malicious set-up by girls who had tormented her for years.

Although Cassidy received counselling and Ms Trevan says she did everything she could to keep her alive, her daughter “never got over it”.

Decades ago when I was in school, a classmate died by suicide after being victimised over her appearance.

Victorian schoolgirl Cassidy Trevan took her life after being allegedly gang-raped. (Pic: Facebook/Linda Trevan)
Victorian schoolgirl Cassidy Trevan took her life after being allegedly gang-raped. (Pic: Facebook/Linda Trevan)

It didn’t make the news, nor was it openly discussed.

Today, we read about suicide more often, we talk about it, there are support agencies and together, we are destigmatising what is a complex problem.

But we walk a fine line.

Jo Robinson heads the suicide prevention unit at Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health. She says there is “certainly an issue around over-exposure”.

“We have to be cautious around framing suicide as a solution — there is a risk of imitative suicide; it can be contagious when it has been modelled as a potential solution to a problem by someone (young people) identify with,” Robinson says.

“There’s a popular phrase, ‘suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem’, but the word solution promotes an idea that suicide is a positive choice.”

Of course, it never is.

Suicidal high school students in surveys by Orygen, have all said they benefited from learning how to reframe their thinking.

An example? “Instead of catastrophising a bad experience, reconceptualise it as ‘I’ve had one bad experience but look at all these other positives — I am doing it tough at the moment, but I will feel better in a few weeks’.”

She says parents can’t be expected to have all the answers but instead of “freaking out” — which can make teens more afraid — they should “sit alongside them and get them the help they need”.

Clearly, not all young people can be saved.

Kim Borrowdale, deputy chief executive of Suicide Prevention Australia, says there hasn’t been a significant reduction in the incidence of youth suicide since the 1990s.

What’s more, 2016 research points to a disturbing trend in girls turning to “lethal means” when self-harming.

While the research does not explain why, I wonder if it has to do with the blurring of gender distinctions. Where once young males were the risk-takers, the excessive drinkers and drug-takers, the violent brawlers on a night out, the ones more likely to complete a suicide attempt, females are increasingly taking on this mantle.

Borrowdale says attempt survivors, who work with her body to develop programs to help vulnerable youth, have one thing in common.

“Many people who talk to us have said it is not that they want to die, it’s that they want the pain to stop,” she says.

“This is disturbing and reassuring in equal measure — but we first need to understand where the pain is coming from and how we can prevent it. It’s not all about mental illness; a lot is about psychosocial factors like family life, employment, schools. Raising awareness about suicide does not equal normalisation but it shows us where we need to build capacity in how we take action if someone is not OK.”

Last year, research by Brisbane-based yourtown found that of young Australians who had attempted suicide, only 47 per cent had received help. This screams loud and clear that more work needs to be done.

But in urging discussion and discouraging shame around suicide, we must also develop community intolerance for the bullying and abuse that potentially destroys lives.

Kylie Lang is an associate editor at The Courier-Mail

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