
Game of Thrones: A fine line between fantasy and reality

JUST like in Game of Thrones, our “rulers” play their own kinds of brutal games and the lengths some of them go to are also appalling, writes Karen Brooks.

Game of Thrones has many monsters. And most of them are human. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)
Game of Thrones has many monsters. And most of them are human. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)

TODAY signals the return of the most successful TV franchise of all times, Game of Throne (GoT).

Based on George R.R. Martin’s epic and unfinished Song of Fire and Ice saga, the penultimate season kicks off on Foxtel at 11am.

Described as “prestige drama” by some news outlets, it’s fascinating to see how a series of books in a genre that’s so often demeaned (fantasy), has managed to captivate millions and succeeded in transcending cultural, racial, religious and so many other barriers in the process.

It’s also made stars out of the cast — even minor players — and seen the salaries of the principals reportedly increase to $3 million an episode.

Vast in scope, geographically and historically rich, GoT is not for the faint of heart. Set in the world of the Seven Kingdoms, it’s a dark, uplifting, tragic and fantastical tale of, basically, seven families and their various allies battling for power.

Definitely not for the faint of heart. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)
Definitely not for the faint of heart. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)

The “games” for the throne are more akin to the Roman, Christians and gladiator kind than Snakes and Ladders — though there’s a sense in which that’s invoked as well.

There’s bloodshed aplenty, gruesome fight scenes, biting humour, graphic nudity and sex, nightmarish violence, love that’s bold and true, great courage — moral too — uncertainty (major characters die without warning) and optimism. There’s also the sinister White Walkers and their king.

Oh, and dragons.

Once you’re immersed in the world, there’s very little that’s gratuitous — and for that kudos must go to Martin, who draws inspiration from actual events and sociocultural realities in history, and the showrunners and creators, David Benioff and D.B Weiss. We firmly believe in this realm they’ve shaped and the dastardly and magnificently flawed people who inhabit it.

Mainly about kings, queens, Machiavellian evil, politics, religion, heroism, and how ordinary people are mere fodder for sophisticated manipulators, it’s also deeply hum.

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In her book, Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion, Rosemary Jackson discusses the seductiveness of fantasy narratives and the important role they play in society, even while they’re often dismissed as “being rather frivolous or foolish” as existing on the margins of literary culture. Often called simple escapism — as if there’s anything simple about it — there are those who continue to look down their noses at fantasy, mostly when they’ve never read a word or watched a moment of the genre.

Ignoring the naysayers, so invested are fans in GoT, it has become a global brand. Just as Ernest Mathijs writes in relation to The Lord of the Rings, it has become a “cultural point of reference... a popular shorthand for addressing all sorts of topical and culturally pressing topics”.

What’s more pressing at the moment than the way our leaders handle their power? The position of women and men in society? How difference and otherness are/not tolerated? The threat of conflict and destruction of peace?

Despite the fantastical elements of the show, it’s core is rooted in humanity. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)
Despite the fantastical elements of the show, it’s core is rooted in humanity. (Pic: Game of Thrones/HBO)

Richard Matthews, in Fantasy: The Liberation of Imagination argues, fantasy “unites timeless mythic patterns with contemporary individual experiences”.

Perhaps more than any other recent popular fantasy, GoT holds a mirror up to us and we both love and loathe what we see — at the personal, cultural and even global level.

Robert Scholes describes fantasy as a “fiction that offers us a world clearly and radically discontinuous from the one we know, yet (it) returns to confront that known world in some cognitive way”.

We live in a world where politics and the personalities who dominate them sometimes seem toxic. Our “rulers” play their own kinds of brutal games, undermining, sniping, displaying indifference, dreadful greed, telling lies to protect their authority and those who help them hold it. As Tywin Lannister says in GoT: “A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.”

We wait with bated breath to see who will be next to metaphorically lose their head; what or who will topple them. For “when you play the game of thrones, you win or die”. We also coexist with the shadow of terror, where monsters come in many guises, are real, and threaten peace.

The monsters are very real on GoT. The monsters in real life are a little harder to spot. (Pic: HBO/AP)
The monsters are very real on GoT. The monsters in real life are a little harder to spot. (Pic: HBO/AP)

In Martin’s universe monsters are awful creatures borne of nightmares, and represented as “other”. But the worst kind are those upon the throne, the sycophants who inhabit the palaces and those who sacrifice anything and anyone for personal gain.

Then, there’s the monsters of self-doubt and fear that crawl through the psyche and torment us all.

Rather than creating a world of binary opposites or, as some of our leaders are prone to insist, “goodies” and “baddies”, GoT exposes how this reductive dualism is contingent on which side you’re on.

There’s a moral core at the heart of GoT, attracting and keeping audiences by giving them a glimmer of hope.

I hope that now “winter” has come, in Westeros and here, there’ll be someone else we can trust to “hold the door”.

Dr Karen Brooks is a honorary senior research fellow at the University of Queensland.

Game of Thrones begins today at 11am EST only on Foxtel Showcase.

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