
Australia can’t arrest its way out of drug problems

There is no simple solution to the overdose crisis gripping Australia. But we doesn’t have to start from scratch, there are already proven solutions within arms reach, writes Penington Institute CEO John Ryan.

How legal medications have created a drug epidemic

The number of Australians dying from unintentional overdoses has skyrocketed by almost 38 per cent over the past 10 years.

Beneath that number — which comes from Australia’s Annual Overdose Report 2019 and is shocking enough in its own right — lie some alarming trends.

Most notably, in 2017 alone there were 1612 unintentional overdose deaths.

There have been stark increases in many of the drugs identified in unintentional overdoses; opioids, stimulants, benzodiazepines, and an increase in the number of deaths involving heroin.

Overdose deaths are suffered by Australians from all walks of life: no age group, no socio-economic cohort, and no state or territory is immune.

But counting the numbers misses the fundamental truth that drug overdose deaths devastate families and cast a shadow over entire communities, no matter where a person comes from.

I often hear that due to stigma and shame, families feel more safe saying that their loved one died from suicide than an unintentional overdose.

How can that be possible in a nation like ours?

It’s because of this stigma, which creates a huge burden on the Australians who use drugs, as well as the bereaved families and friends left behind, that we observe International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31 every year and send a message reminding these people that you are not alone.

In 2017 there were 1612 unintentional overdose deaths in Australia. Picture: iStock
In 2017 there were 1612 unintentional overdose deaths in Australia. Picture: iStock

There is no simple solution to the overdose crisis. But Australia doesn’t have to start from scratch. There is already ample evidence on how to make overdoses less frequent and less fatal.

Community-wide and targeted education to potential overdose witnesses; expanded access to drug treatment including medication assisted treatment; improved access to the opioid reversal drug naloxone; pain management and allied health will all help. Localised, community-led interventions for regional and rural towns and cities should also be expanded.

But will we do any of these things?

RELATED: Suburbs where Aussies are dying from drug overdoses

As it stands, Australia’s primary approach to drug harms is to ban drugs. But we can’t arrest our way out of drug problems.

There is no clearer metric of a policy’s success than life or death — and more than 14,000 unintentional deaths due to overdoses in ten years means that our drug policy is failing.

And if we must attach a cost to this, it’s estimated that a death due to unintentional injury incurs a productivity loss of $595,000. By that measure, those 1612 deaths in 2017 cost our economy close to $1 billion.

It’s estimated that a death due to unintentional injury incurs a productivity loss of $595,000. Picture: iStock
It’s estimated that a death due to unintentional injury incurs a productivity loss of $595,000. Picture: iStock

When 3800 Australians perished on our roads in 1970, we didn’t rush to ban cars. Instead, governments priotised the problem and listened to those who knew how to turn things around. By 2017, we’ve reduced the road toll to less than 1,250. That’s still too high, but it represents a victory in the name of community safety.

Now, we stand at the same crossroads again.

It’s time for us to rediscover that courage from our past that, so far, has eluded us when it comes to drug policy.

Overdose prevention needs investment in proven measures. It needs an honest and comprehensive evaluation of our current approach. But, most of all, it needs us to understand that those dying or suffering due to overdose are just as deserving of our concern as anyone else.

To every Australian who has the power to change our laws or start a conversation, I implore you: don’t let this moment pass by without taking action.

The options are there, at our disposal, to reduce the number of overdose deaths.

Implementing them may not be easy, but making the right moral choice should be.

John Ryan is the CEO of the Penington Institute.

Originally published as Australia can’t arrest its way out of drug problems

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