
GPS rugby 2020: St Joseph’s Nudgee College captain Lastus Auakai is a true all-rounder

St Joseph’s Nudgee College has been the land of opportunity for First XV captain Lastus Auakai who is such a talent that he once juggled As football with As rugby – all on the one afternoon.

In the old days multi-talented sportsmen and women juggling two or three top flight sports across the year was not unusual.

Former Queensland and Australian wicketkeeper John Maclean shone behind the stumps during summer and played first grade soccer and rugby in the winter, while Wallaby great John Eales was a First XI bowler, national high jump medallist and of course a rugby star.

Nudgee College’s First XI cricket captain Noah McFadyen plays first grade cricket and is also a top flight Australian footballer, while many talented kids have played league one day and soccer or rugby the next – but not both on the same day.

However, such is the talent of St Joseph’s Nudgee College First XV captain Lastus Auakai, not long ago he played As soccer at lunchtime as a warm-up to play As rugby in the afternoon.





“There were moments when Mr Graham (Sean Graham Nudgee director of rugby) would say ‘don’t play soccer, I need you fresh for the (rugby) game’ and I’d say ‘don’t worry’.

“I never really got into rugby before grade 5. It was always soccer for me before that, I always played soccer.’’

Lastus Auakai in full stride. Picture: Renae Droop
Lastus Auakai in full stride. Picture: Renae Droop

After school in his home city of Port Moresby, Auakai and his mates would make a beeline to “find somewhere with a bit of grass’’ so they could play soccer.

“Great memories,’’ he said.

But after moving to Brisbane to board at Nudgee College, Auakai’s interest in rugby intensified.

And what a rugby player he is. An inside centre, Auakai can step and pass but also power past defenders who are not fully committed.

Such is his personality, Auakai was also chosen to be captain of the famous Nudgee First XV this season.

Lastus Auakai during a trial. Picture: Renae Droop
Lastus Auakai during a trial. Picture: Renae Droop

“It is a big responsibility. I am genuinely honoured to take that on my shoulders, but at the same time I am excited.

“It meant a lot of coaches to trust me with that position.

“With that comes a big responsibility.’’

When he captained Nudgee on for the first time in a competition match two weeks ago against Terrace, Auakai said “my heart was beating the whole time’’.

“But I got comfortable as soon as the game started,’’ he said.

It was the second successive season Auakai has had a milestone moment against St Joseph’s Gregory Terrace.

Last season Auakai played at home for the first time wearing a First XV jersey against Terrace, a moment he will cherish.

Lastus Auakai has all the skills. Picture: Renae Droop
Lastus Auakai has all the skills. Picture: Renae Droop

Nothing beats the atmosphere of a Nudgee home game.

The noise of the crowd, the chanting and atmosphere leaves an indelible memory on all who experience the moment.

The legendary Nudgee old boy Paul Mclean played 31 Tests and a 100 games for Queensland, but will never forget his first home match at Ross Oval and the atmosphere of the crowd.

And nor will Auakai forget his first game. “I can relate to that,’’ he said in reference to McLean’s comments.

Lastus Auakai.(AAP image, John Gass)
Lastus Auakai.(AAP image, John Gass)

“Terrace at home was amazing,’’ Auakai recalled.

“I was used to being up in the grandstand and even that was crazy, but the whole build-up to it was amazing.

“On Friday lunchtime we always have a team run and that is when the school does cheering practice and the whole school gets up in the grandstand.

“So you get a little bit of a taste as to how Saturday (game day) is going to be like.

“The boys start calling your name or doing a chant … I was only used to giving the chant, not receiving them.

“And then on the Saturday, when the crowd goes up, the commentator announces the line-up, you walk out and everyone is quiet and then the kick-off. The whole process just gives me goosebumps.’’

Rixon Aliva is tackled by Nudgee Lastus Auakai and Robert Toia. Picture: Renae Droop
Rixon Aliva is tackled by Nudgee Lastus Auakai and Robert Toia. Picture: Renae Droop

St Joseph’s Nudgee College has been the land of opportunity for Auakai, but PNG is always his home.

“All my family is there, all my old school mates, just being around that environment … it is a big difference when you come here.’’

Asked what the biggest difference is, Auakai said “everything’’.

“Things like catching a bus here is different to catching a bus there.

“From my perspective catching a bus there is more fun, you can hang out on the side of the (windowless bus) instead of sitting down.’’

But he said Nudgee was special in its own way because of the opportunities it presented in all aspects of his life, including sport – and in his case, two sports on the one afternoon.

Round 3 matches




Terrace v Churchie


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