
Thorneside man abuses his mother for years, brings ‘known criminals’ to her house to ‘bong on’

An abusive son who spat on, tipped water over, pushed and demeaned his mother with despicable language is behind bars.

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A drug-addicted man who variously spat on, pushed, tipped water over and called his mother a “s*** mother” and a “c***” has been jailed for his years of abuse.

The deeply affecting court hearing so disgusted a police prosecutor she referred to the man’s behaviour in unguarded language: “He continues to treat his mother like a piece of s***.”

The sentiment was echoed by presiding Magistrate Deborah Vasta who sentenced the Thorneside man to two weeks’ jail to “dry out” and (possibly) “become a man”.

“At this stage you are a drug addict who pushes and spits on women,” Magistrate Vasta said.

“You have been doing this for a couple of years now.

“I don’t know where you learn this sort of thing.”

Appearing at Cleveland Magistrates Court this afternoon the unemployed defendant pleaded guilty to one count of contravention of domestic violence order (aggravated offence).

Suspected by Magistrate Vasta of being drug affected at court, the sobbing man had his phone confiscated after he used it to text his girlfriend while sitting at the bar table.

The court heard the man had an extensive history of domestic violence abuse against his mother, which included multiple counts of breaching orders, for which he had previously been sentenced to a suspended jail sentence.

A man’s continued domestic violence abuse of his mother has finally landed him in jail. Generic image of an arrest pictured. Picture: Alix Sweeney
A man’s continued domestic violence abuse of his mother has finally landed him in jail. Generic image of an arrest pictured. Picture: Alix Sweeney

An admitted drug addict, he had also been sentenced to six months’ jail with immediate parole for drug supply in 2019.

The court heard the defendant on December 23 told his mother “don’t be a rude c***” when she asked his visiting friend to leave her house.

The defendant and his friend were grinding drugs “to bong on” at the time.

The man would proceed to physically push his mother and refer to her as a “s*** mother” and a “c***”.

A police prosecutor said the defendant’s despicable behaviour included regularly inviting “known criminals” to her house, which potentially placed her in legal jeopardy.

Present at the court, the distraught mother gave a wrenching account of how her son “does not recognise his behaviour as domestic violence”.

And yet despite the abuse, the mother said she wanted her son to stay with her and did not want him to be jailed.

Defence solicitor Rhys Foster said his client had lost his job stacking palettes, had recently sought counselling and took full responsibility for the breakdown of his relationship with his mother.

Mr Foster said the man did have alternative accommodation with his girlfriend of six months and required assistance battling his drug addiction which he was “taking seriously”.


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In addition to his two-week jail stint the defendant was sentenced to two years’ probation and left with a sobering warning.

“If you continue to behave like this, you are going to spend longer and longer in jail,” Magistrate Vasta said.

A conviction was recorded.

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