
No bail as police allegedly find 50 grams heroin and thousands in cash at Victoria Point residence

Having breached bail five times and allegedly consumed drugs while in the watch-house after being found with dozens of grams of heroin, a southeast Queensland addict still applied for bail.

Australia's Court System

A “RAGING” drug addict allegedly found with 50 grams of heroin and over $8,000 in cash has been denied bail.

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Appearing at the Cleveland Magistrates Court this morning via video link from Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre Daniel Phillip Campione, 28, was charged with a slew of drug offences and argued he was determined to seek help for his rampant addiction should he be granted bail.

However Magistrate Deborah Vasta made it clear there was little chance of that happening.

“In 2013 you got 2.5 year’s jail for drug possession and in 2017 you got two years and three months.

“Clearly you are a drug addict; you know it, I know it, let us pull our heads out of the sand and consider how realistic it is you will be able to stay clean.”

The court heard a dedicated police operation allegedly discovered 50 grams of heroin – 13 grams of which was pure – and $8,300 in cash at a Victoria Point residence on March 5.

Daniel Phillip Campione remains behind bars.
Daniel Phillip Campione remains behind bars.

Police prosecutor Emily Ollenburgh said Campione represented an extreme risk to the community and would continue his alleged drug offending should he be released.

Campione was also alleged to have lunged at police after consuming an opioid replacement drug, Suboxone, while in custody at the Cleveland watch-house on April 8.

The alleged offending occurred while he was on bail for drug dealing.

The court heard Campione had an extensive history of drug offending; had breached bail on five previous occasions and had breached a suspended sentence for like offending.

The defendant, who had become addicted to heroin while trying to come off Ice, said he would stay in a “drug-free zone” at his parents’ Wynnum residence and seek professional counselling at a rehabilitation centre.

But Magistrate Vasta would not countenance the risk he posed to himself and the community.

“I feel sorry for you,” she said.

“I see someone who is a raging drug addict who really does need help and I do hope you beat your addiction but giving you bail right now would be the worst thing I could do.”

Campione is scheduled to next appear before the Supreme Court on June 25.

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