
Former Russell Island man Liam Bush, 18, released from prison after spate of public violence

A court has heard residents of a South East Queensland island who would normally never consult police have urged them to ban a teen after his shocking violent offending.

The surprising history of meth

Police have made an extraordinary plea at a court for a violent teen, who kicked and punched another teen in the head in front of multiple shocked onlookers, to be banned from an island which in his words he, “f****n owns”.

Appearing via video link from remand at Cleveland Magistrates Court on Friday, former Russell Island man Liam Bush, 18, pleaded guilty to a string of charges.

These included committing a public nuisance (domestic violence offence); committing a public nuisance; obstructing a police officer and threatening violence, among others which can’t be named in order to protect the identity of a victim.

The court heard Bush on June 21 pulled out a pair of scissors and told a member of the public at around 7.55am “I’ll f****n kill you” when an attempt was made to stop him from assaulting a teenager at an Alexandra Hills shopping centre.

According to police, Bush later shocked multiple residents at a barbecue area on Russell Island when he let loose with a tirade of abuse and violence at around 9am on July 21.

The court was told in that instance Bush called his teen victim a “f****n c**t” before punching the person in the face.

Once on the ground Bush continued to punch his victim in the face and would escalate the attack with kicks “in the guts” and to the head.

Appalled residents called triple-zero before Bush fled from the area.

A police prosecutor said a victim presented later that morning at a health facility with a four cm cut to the back of the neck, attributed to Bush.

Having “actively avoided” police, the defendant was in company when on August 3 he verbally abused a resident who had approached him after a bin was kicked over in front of their property and waste strewn about.

When the resident, whom Bush called a “f***wit”, noted there were small children present, the defendant remarked: “I don’t f****n care; I own this f****n island”.

The offending continued when a police dog squad was activated on August 26 after Bush was witnessed entering a premises.

He would finally be arrested the next day and spend 57 days in pre-sentence remand.

A police prosecutor said residents who would normally never speak with police urged officers to ban Bush from the location.

“Mr Bush has no reason to be on that island,” a police prosecutor said.

“The only consistent thing with this defendant is that he is violent; he doesn’t care who is there and nothing will stop him.

“And he is a coward because when police turn up he runs into the bushes.”

Despite having only one entry for common assault on his adult criminal history, the prosecution submitted an 18-month prison sentence would be appropriate for Bush, whose violent behaviour they warned could turn deadly.

Defence solicitor Tanya Dower said her client had an extremely challenging upbringing; suffered from ADHD and PTSD and had been clean of meth since his incarceration.

Ms Dower said Bush’s first stint behind bars had been particularly tough and included sleeping on the ground in a holding area with “99 other adults”.

Describing his time on remand as “extremely impacting” and a “huge wake-up call”, the defence said Bush planned to seek counselling and had been homeless for much of his offending.

Having spent 57 days in pre-sentence remand Bush was sentenced to two years’ probation.

He was further placed on a non-contact order with his victim and banned from Russell Island.

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