
Australian softballers in the USA to sharpen skills ahead of the team’s tilt for the Olympic Games

Taylah Welch, Jess Torpey and Chelsea Forkin are part of the Australian women’s softball team currently competing in the United States as part of the squad’s bid to enhance chances of Tokyo Olympic Games qualification.

Taylah Welch, Jess Torpey and Chelsea Forkin are part of the Australian women’s softball team currently competing in the United States as part of the squad’s bid to enhance chances of Tokyo Olympic Games qualification.

The Bears softball club trio have joined teammates in the national side which is competing at the National Pro Fast Pitch league, arguably the highest standard tournament in the sport.

The aim of the US tour is for the Australian to gain experience and skills ahead of attending Australia’s Olympic qualifying tournament to be staged in China during September.

Torpeysaid so strong was the Fast Pitch league, it was equal to playing a USA national side every day.


The Chinese, Mexican and Canadian teams are among other international outfits experiencing the National Pro Fast Pitch competition.

“Over a 10 week period, there is probably about 50 games,’’ said Torpey.

“It is the best preparation.’’

Torpesaid after competing last season in the USA competition, she returned to Australia mentally tougher.

Redcliffe State High HPE teacher Chelsea Forkin. Picture: Josh Woning.
Redcliffe State High HPE teacher Chelsea Forkin. Picture: Josh Woning.

“We only have a few pitches around the country who are at that level, but over there we are facing teams who have six or seven or eight pitchers of that (elite) level,’’ the Norris Road State School and Kedron State High School past student said. “Every night we are facing quality pitching, so it made me a better a player.’’

Welch is a new chum on the Australian team, having come from a baseball background to progress swiftly in softball.

“I have not been over before so for me it will be more of an experience.’’

Originally from the Gold Coast, she said the biggest challenge in switching sports was the speed of softball compared to baseball.

Torpey said winning two national titles with Queensland had been the high of her career along with playing her first game for Australia.

“It (Australian selection) was a surreal moment and one I never really expected to happen if I am completely honest.

“I was a bit older compared to others and it was something I had always striven for and you are out there with the line-up and you think ‘this is good’’. Forkin is a Western Australian native but said her move to Brisbane had improved her softball because the club competition was of a higher standard than in the west.

Australian representative Taylah Welch.
Australian representative Taylah Welch.

Forkin, a veteran of almost 10 years on the Australian team, said the USA trip would be a good chance to “stick together as a team’’. “Last year we did not have our best performance at a world championships but this year (at the National Pro Fast Pitch competition) will be an awesome opportunity for the squad to really work together and reform our culture and values as a team,’’ she said.

The women are in the US playing under the banner Aussie Peppers.

They are three of 10 Queenslanders in the Peppers sqaud.

They full list is Chelsea Forkin, Brooke Spence, Jessica Torpey, Taylah Welch, Carmelle Sorensen, Tamieka Whitefield, Janice Blackman, Georgia Blair, Justine Smethurst and Jade Wall.

Bears train at the Sandgate Hawks AFC club on a Wednesday and play out of Downey Park every Saturday during the season. Visit

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