
Qld police warn North Lakes locals after alleged Emma Lovell murder

Police have letterbox-dropped a startling warning to residents in the Moreton Bay suburb where mum-of-two Emma Lovell was allegedly murdered on Boxing Day. READ THE LETTER

Moreton Bay police have issued a grim warning to local residents following the shock death of North Lakes mum Emma Lovell.
Moreton Bay police have issued a grim warning to local residents following the shock death of North Lakes mum Emma Lovell.

Police have advised residents north of Brisbane to lock their homes and cars and photograph belongings after the shock death of Emma Lovell at her North Lakes home.

In a warning dropped into letterboxes, they said thieves were targeting homes and vehicles in the area to steal car keys, vehicles, number plates, laptops, wallets, handbags, jewellery and electronic equipment.

It comes following the tragic death of mum-of-two Emma Lovell who was allegedly stabbed in the chest while fighting off intruders on Boxing Day.

Two 17-year-old boys have since been charged with murder, attempted murder and entering a dwelling with intent in company.

Moreton District Police have issued a warning to North Lakes residents amid a surge in local crime. Picture: Supplied
Moreton District Police have issued a warning to North Lakes residents amid a surge in local crime. Picture: Supplied

The letter from Moreton District Police said offenders were entering North Lakes homes through open or unlocked doors, windows and garages, or by forcing security screens on doors and windows.

“Police have increased patrols in your area,” the letter read.

“Residents are encouraged to secure their homes and vehicles, record details of electronic equipment and photograph jewellery.”

The letter also advised residents to report any suspicious people or vehicles they spotted in the area.

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