
OIA dismiss investigation into Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery

The Office of the Independent Assessor has dropped its investigation into Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery in relation to conduct allegations.

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The Office of the Independent Assessor has dropped its investigation into Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery in relation to conduct allegations.

Quest Community News revealed in August 2020 that Cr Flannery was being investigated by the OIA over a potential conflict of interest issue at a council meeting on June 21, 2016.

At the June 21 meeting councillors were to consider the creation of a Priority Development Area at the Petrie Mill site and the inclusion of a nearby development property by Philip Usher Constructions in the PDA area.

Mr Usher was a donor to the Moreton Futures Trust for the 2016 election.

The OIA received the complaint on February 26, 2019 alleging that five then councillors, Cr Flannery, James Houghton, Julie Greer, Mike Charlton and Koliana Winchester – failed to declare conflicts of interest over the matter.

Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery. Picture: Renae Droop/RDW Photography
Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery. Picture: Renae Droop/RDW Photography

It was alleged that the five councillors accepted funds from Moreton Futures Trust during the campaign for advertising material.

The Moreton Bay Council’s Register of Councillor Conduct shows the investigations into councillors Houghton, Greer, Charlton and Winchester was dismissed on May 7, 2020.

It was updated in December to show the investigation into now Mayor, Cr Flannery, was also dismissed.

“The meeting occurred prior to the publication of donor information on the Electoral Commission of Queensland’s website and an investigation did not establish that the councillor had any prior knowledge of the identity of the relevant donor,” The register states.

“The investigation ascertained that the councillor had no direct dealings with MFT donors in relation to the operation of the MFT, had limited knowledge and or understanding of the administration of the MFT, and received a significantly lesser benefit. The OIA also considered broader public interest considerations.”

Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery Picture: Renae Droop/ RWD Photography
Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery Picture: Renae Droop/ RWD Photography

A spokeswoman from the OIA said the organisation “neither confirms nor denies whether it is investigating a matter unless exceptional circumstances exist”.

The spokeswoman did disclose that 22 complaints had been lodged with the OIA in the past 12 months regarding the conduct of Moreton Bay Regional councillors in the past 12 months.

It follows former Mayor Allan Sutherland and councillor Adrian Raedel being charged by the CCC for separate matters.

Both matters are still before the courts.

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