
Caboolture couple trying to save bull mastiff after Moreton Bay Regional Council declared him dangerous

A QUEENSLAND couple are trying to save their bull mastif, Hank, after a council declared him dangerous and removed the dog from their home.

Hank the Bull Mastiff has been seized by Moreton Bay Regional Council as a dangerous dog.
Hank the Bull Mastiff has been seized by Moreton Bay Regional Council as a dangerous dog.

A CABOOLTURE couple are desperately trying to save their bull mastiff, Hank, after Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) declared him dangerous.

MBRC Regulatory Services Spokesman Councillor Matt Constance said council issued a dangerous dog declaration after the dog seriously injured a child last year, causing deep facial wounds.

“Council doesn’t take the decision to make a dangerous dog declaration, or issue an order requiring the removal of an animal lightly and does so in accordance with the requirements of the Animal Management Act,” Cr Constance said.

Hank’s owner Nathan Wallace denied Hank was dangerous and said the incident was an accident.

“The girl was playing with Hank and they collided and Hank’s tooth got caught on her face,” he said. “Even the girl’s mother said at the time it was an accident.”

Mr Wallace said after Hank was declared dangerous MBRC inspected their enclosure twice, deeming it safe. In May this year, seven months after the initial incident MBRC seized Hank.

Cr Constance said there was evidence Hank’s owners were not complying with dangerous dog declaration requirements.

“As a result of the risk presented by the dangerous dog and confirmation the dog’s owner had not complied with their mandatory obligations under the Act, council took steps to move the dog to the RSPCA Dakabin Animal Care Centre and issued an order to prevent future risk to community safety.

“Council staff communicated with the owners prior to, during and after moving the dog and also provided documentation to the person occupying the property prior to the animal being moved — all as required by the Act.”

However Mr Wallace said he was not notified prior to Hank being seized and that council didn’t leave a receipt when Hank was taken.

Mr Wallace also has serious concerns about the conditions Hank is being kept in.

“He has contracted Kennel Cough, has infection in his paws and skin irritations. He’s only been taken out for 30 minutes in five weeks he has been there,” he said. “There have been times where they haven’t let us visit him. We have been bullied by the council.”

Cr Conctance said Mr Wallace and his partner had been allowed to regularly visit the dog and visitations have occurred up to four times per week.

“The dog remains in the Dakabin Animal Care Centre under the care of the RSPCA, while the owners make an application to QCAT (Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) to review the order,” he said.

RSPCA spokesman Michael Beatty said there were no welfare issues in regard to Hank.

“He (Hank) is now in a large enclosure and is being provided with daily enrichment, toys and physical activity. His living conditions have also been viewed by an RSPCA Inspector,” he said. “His condition is also regularly monitored by veterinary staff. Sadly, for safety reasons, he is unable to be walked, but staff are working with him to resolve the behavioural issues.”

Mr Wallace said they would continue to fight the order with a court date set in August. A petition has also been started.

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