
Brae Lewis sentenced to nine and a half years’ for setting girlfriend on fire

A man who “permanently disfigured” his teenage girlfriend by setting her on fire has been jailed over the abhorrent attack – but could be eligible for parole in as little as six months.

Kyesha Finemore recounts horrifying attack to Lisa Wilkinson

A Queensland man who doused his teenage girlfriend in petrol before setting her alight during a “horrendous and disgraceful” assault will be eligible to apply for parole in six months.

Brae Taylor Lewis, now 22, was this morning resentenced in the Brisbane District Court to nine and a half years’ jail for what Judge Michael Burnett labelled an “abominable attack” on his 17-year-old girlfriend in May 2016.

Kyesha Finemore was left “permanently disfigured” with scarring to her arms, chest, abdomen, back and thighs after Lewis threw a beer bottle full of petrol at her, then flicked a lighter causing flames to engulf her body.

Kyesha Finemore suffered major burns to multiple parts of her body after being set alight by Brae Taylor Lewis.
Kyesha Finemore suffered major burns to multiple parts of her body after being set alight by Brae Taylor Lewis.

Ms Finemore spent two days in an induced coma and one month in hospital after the vicious assault.

Lewis was jailed in 2018 for 11 years after being found guilty of a malicious act intended to cause grievous bodily harm but he won a retrial after his lawyers argued he did not intend to set fire to his victim.

His second trial was due to start on Monday, but Lewis instead entered a guilty plea.

At his resentencing, Ms Finemore’s mother begged Judge Burnett for a “substantial” jail term for Lewis, describing her anguish at watching her daughter burst into tears when she looked in a mirror.

Brae Taylor Lewis and Kyesha Finemore before the attack.
Brae Taylor Lewis and Kyesha Finemore before the attack.

Ms Finemore also bravely addressed the court describing how washing and dressing herself and brushing her hair were still daily struggles.

“I struggle with some day-to-day tasks like lighting a gas stove, I am petrified of putting petrol into any vehicle … I need to always have someone to fill my car up,” she said.

“I have been forced to learn how to cope with permanent injuries and scarring this assault has left me with … this is a life sentence for me.”

The court was told how the couple’s two-year relationship was marked with a history of violence and mutual drug use.

Ms Finemore was put into an induced coma, with burns to more than 20 per cent of her body.
Ms Finemore was put into an induced coma, with burns to more than 20 per cent of her body.

In the aftermath of the attack, Lewis had attempted to extinguish the flames at the time and asked police if he could ride in the ambulance with the woman.

“He has always accepted responsibility for the consequences of his actions,” barrister Andrew Hoare said.

Mr Hoare said Lewis had always been remorseful and pushed for no more than a seven-year sentence.

Judge Michael Burnett accepted that Lewis showed insight into his offending but was concerned that Lewis had become increasingly violent in the months leading up to the assault.

The court heard he had once before thrown a jerry can of petrol on her and a screwdriver which embedded itself in her hip.

Judge Burnett said Lewis’s actions were “horrendous and disgraceful” but said “his expressions of remorse can be accepted as authentic”.

“I think to some extent the defendant himself was shocked by the result of what in fact transpired that day,” Judge Burnett said.

Lewis was sentenced to nine and a half years’’ jail and will be considered for parole after serving half of the term behind bars.

After time already served he will be eligible for parole in six months.

*If you need help in a crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

*If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit In an emergency, call triple-0.

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