

Qld uni students among most-stressed in the country

Qld uni students among most-stressed in the country

Queensland university students are suffering among the highest levels of stress in the country – ahead of NSW and Victoria – with more than two thirds experiencing anxiety about their studies every week, new research shows. Here’s why.

FULL LIST: 7,000 QUT graduates named

FULL LIST: 7,000 QUT graduates named

Thousands of Queensland students have successfully navigated a turbulent two years to graduate university, with QUT revealing a list of nearly 7,000 students who graduated this month. SEE THE LIST

The schools with top ATAR students revealed

The schools with top ATAR students revealed

Just 32 of the more than 27,000 Queensland students who will receive an ATAR today have woken to a perfect result. We introduce you to some of them, including one school that had 11 students. WATCH THE MOMENT THEY FOUND OUT

How 27,000 students performed in ATAR

How 27,000 students performed in ATAR

More than 27,000 Queensland Year 12 students have received their ATAR today with 1100 set to receive academic commendations for landing an ‘A’ grade in six subjects. See how the cohort performed.

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