
Former tutor claims University of Queensland ‘improperly and inappropriately’ investigated assault complaint

A former part-time tutor at UQ has accused the university of “improperly and inappropriately” investigating an assault complaint.

A former University of Queensland tutor claims the university failed in its investigation of an alleged assault.
A former University of Queensland tutor claims the university failed in its investigation of an alleged assault.

A former part-time tutor at the University of Queensland has accused the university of “improperly and inappropriately” investigating her complaint that she was assaulted by a fellow academic.

The woman has filed documents in the Supreme Court in Brisbane seeking the court’s leave for her to sue the university, alleging their botched investigation into the alleged actions of Jabin Watson caused her psychiatric injuries.

In December 2021 lawyers for her asked the university to hand over hundreds or possibly thousands of pages of records including “all documents recorded relating to the investigation undertaken by the Integrity and Investigations Unit (IIU) into the alleged assault of our client by Dr Jabin Watson”.

They have also sought to expand the discovery of documents into the realm of other alleged assaults, asking the university for “copies of all grievances concerning the manner in which

The University of Queensland has dealt with disciplinary issues and allegations of sexual assault.”

The University of Queensland has denied liability for the alleged assault.
The University of Queensland has denied liability for the alleged assault.

But in a letter replying on 29 August last year, which has been filed in court, the university’s lawyers asked the woman’s lawyers to sign a further confidentially undertaking before seeing the contents of the IIU.

“Our client has not prevented you from accessing the investigation documents,” the letter states.

“The proposed undertaking purports only to limit your clients access to the investigation documents themselves but not to the information contained therein,” the letter says.

The university says the confidentiality is “to protect the integrity of the university’s investigation and disciplinary frameworks”.

The university has denied liability for the alleged assault in the letter from their lawyers Minter Ellison to the woman’s lawyers on 29 August 2022, filed in court.

“Our client reiterates that it takes your client’s allegations seriously, and acknowledges her description of the impact on her mental health and wellbeing,” the letter states.

“However our client does not agree that it breached its duty of care to your client and does not admit the allegations outlined in your clients part 1 notice of claim,” the letter states.

The part 1 notice of claim, completed by the woman on 10 December 2021, contains details of her alleged injury and its alleged causes.

But lawyers for the woman, who studies fish as a comparative and environmental physiologist, have not filed it in court “as it contains sensitive information but can be made available if required”.

They have also asked the university to hand over “audio files, transcripts, photographs, reports, statements (by our client, Dr Watson and any witnesses) records of interviews (by our client, Dr Watson and any witnesses) and/or correspondence between the IIU and our client)”.

They also want all records in relation to the woman’s employment as a tutor with the University of Queensland, and “all documents relating to the ‘Review of Management of a Complaint made by Student A’ completed by Q workplace solutions”.

They have also asked to be given a copy of the investigation report dated 20 October 2020 by the IIU, and documents referring to the experience, qualification and training of the integrity and student support units (including any records relating to any trauma-informed approach/sexual assault training).

The application is set to be heard in court on August 24.

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