
QUT replace staff with automated system despite student backlash

A major Queensland university has admitted to making two receptionists redundant and replacing them with an automated system despite a student-led petition to stop the change.

QUT Gardens Point campus. Picture: David Clark
QUT Gardens Point campus. Picture: David Clark

A student-led petition has failed to save two university positions from being made redundant after the roles were replaced with an automated system.

The Queensland University of Technology announced to staff last year that its Faculty of Health administrative assistant (reception) and space and infrastructure manager positions would go in favour of a “new access system”.

Faculty of Health students rallied together in an attempt to save the jobs, with 700 people signing a petition to stop the change.

In an email sent to students, petition organisers said the automated system should be rejected because it would “reduce communication transparency”, “reduce security and protection of QUT staff contact details from visitors”, and would “increase risk of information data privacy breaches from unknown visitors given that there are a lot of participant and diagnostic data stores in the building”.

An email sent to QUT Health department students following the announcement. Credit: Supplied
An email sent to QUT Health department students following the announcement. Credit: Supplied
An email sent to QUT Health department students following the announcement. Credit: Supplied
An email sent to QUT Health department students following the announcement. Credit: Supplied

QUT axed the positions, despite the opposition.

In a statement, the university said both employees who were made redundant were offered opportunities to reapply for different roles.

“QUT confirms that a change process was undertaken in October/November 2023 involving our Faculty of Health and this included consultation with affected staff,” a QUT spokeswoman said.

“The rationale for the proposed change was the introduction of a new access system for the building which enabled reallocation positions to ensure better service delivery to staff and students.

“Whilst two positions were made redundant, two new positions with different responsibilities, were created and the staff had the opportunity to apply for the new ongoing roles.”

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