
Qld schools accused of covert gender counselling without involving parents

Whistleblowers have exposed Queensland school guidance officers secretly grooming children behind parents’ backs to change names, pronouns and gender.

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School guidance officers are advising students as young as 12 on how to go about changing their names, pronouns, and gender – without including parents.

Two Queensland families say they were cut out of the process for weeks, with one claiming a guidance officer encouraged their child to lie to support a potential case to cut ties with their parents.

The Department of Education said consent is needed for students to receive ongoing guidance officer support, but officers can judge whether a child be considered a “mature minor” – a legal test of a child’s intelligence and understanding – and consent to services themselves.

The allegations come after The Courier-Mail revealed teachers are being forced to deceive parents when a student asks the school to help them change their gender, pronouns or name.

In fresh claims, a mother to two daughters who both changed to male names and pronouns, said her younger child was “groomed” by the guidance officer at her Queensland state school.

The mother said her daughter – referred to as “Claire” – was groomed into believing her home was not safe if her parents did not affirm her new identity.

Rear view of primary school teacher writing on a clear whiteboard in classroom with students.
Rear view of primary school teacher writing on a clear whiteboard in classroom with students.

The mother claims Claire was encouraged by the guidance officer to make a false allegation against her mother’s husband, to support her case if she wanted to be considered a “mature minor” and move out of home in the future. In the end, Claire withdrew the allegations.

“It is telling anxious kids that their mother and father are not safe because they will not affirm (their new identity), they’re being exploited by these school counsellors,” Claire’s mother said.

Meanwhile, a father said his daughter spoke to her state school in late 2020 about changing her name and pronouns. Plans were made for this change to take effect in Term 1, 2021.

But the father was only informed by the school days before it resumed about his daughter’s planned name and pronoun changes and that she would wear a boy’s uniform.

The father believes his daughter spoke to the guidance officer for three months before he was informed. He said his daughter did not want him to know.

“They were going to put it (new gender identity) in place without telling me initially, just a flick of the switch. There was no communication and no support plan,” he said.

“I felt that the school took over that parental role.”

A Department of Education spokeswoman said guidance officers may refer students who require specialised support, for a range of reasons, to external support services.

“Consent for students to receive ongoing support from a guidance officer must be obtained,” the spokeswoman said.

“The Department provides comprehensive information to assist school staff, including guidance officers, in making decisions that ensure gender diverse students receive appropriate support, tailored to their individual needs.

“While consent is often provided by parents, guidance officers use their professional judgment to determine if a student has sufficient maturity and understanding to be considered a mature minor and therefore consent to services.”

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