

‘Deeply disturbing’ sex abuse claim rocks Girls Grammar

A ‘deeply disturbing’ sexual abuse claim has rocked the elite Brisbane Girls Grammar School with the principal sending a letter to parents about the incident.

The sex abuse claim has rocked Brisbane Girls Grammar School.
The sex abuse claim has rocked Brisbane Girls Grammar School.

A “deeply disturbing” sexual abuse claim has rocked the elite Brisbane Girls Grammar School.

In a letter forward to parents by principal Jacinda Euler on Monday morning, the school’s chair Julie McKay said the matter was being taken “very seriously”.

The civil legal case was brought by a former student claiming sexual abuse by a former staff member employed in 1983 and 1984, Ms McKay said.

“The school is taking this matter very seriously and we express our deepest regret and concern that a former student could have had such an experience while a student at our school,” she said.

“We recognise this former student’s courage in telling her experiences and acknowledge how difficult this must have been. We fully support her coming forward as we would any other person in such circumstances.”

Ms McKay said she understood the school community would have “an immediate desire for more detailed information” however privacy and legal constraints prevented sharing additional information.

Brisbane Girls Grammar School.
Brisbane Girls Grammar School.

“At this stage, our principal Ms Euler does not plan to advise our students about this matter, however, as parents you may choose, at your own discretion, to speak with your daughter if you feel it is appropriate.”

She said all alumnae had been informed of the matter to ensure they understood the pathways available should they wish to make a complaint or access additional resources and support.

“We were deeply disturbed and saddened to learn of this situation and hope that we have an environment where our community do feel comfortable to come forward if they have any concerns,” she said.

“I wish to make very clear that this matter does not relate to any current student or staff member. At this time, we have no information that other former students have been directly impacted.

“The school has undertaken all required actions since becoming aware of this matter, including reporting it to Queensland Police Service and relevant child protection agencies. We are also undertaking our own internal inquiries.”


Dear Parents

It is with sadness that I am writing to you today to advise that Brisbane Girls Grammar School was recently notified of a civil legal matter brought by a former student claiming sexual abuse by a former staff member employed in 1983 and 1984.

I wish to make very clear that this matter does not relate to any current student or staff member. At this time, we have no information that other former students have been directly impacted.

As I know you would expect, the School is taking this matter very seriously and we express our deepest regret and concern that a former student could have had such an experience while a student at our school.

We recognise this former student’s courage in telling her experiences and acknowledge how difficult this must have been. We fully support her coming forward as we would any other person in such circumstances.

I am conscious that in sharing this news with our community today, there will be an immediate desire for more detailed information. I hope that you will understand that privacy and legal constraints prevent me from sharing any additional information, including any particulars relating to the former staff member who is the subject of the claim.

Our priority is very much on supporting the former student who has raised this matter, and we are working with her legal representatives with that approach front of mind.

Today, I have also written to all alumnae to inform them of this matter, and to ensure they understand the pathways available should they wish to make a complaint, or access additional resources and support.

I understand that receiving this email is unexpected, and that you may be affected by this news and wish to speak to someone. Contact information for a range of support services that may be of assistance to you are listed below.

At this stage, our Principal Ms Euler does not plan to advise our students about this matter, however, as parents you may choose, at your own discretion, to speak with your daughter if you feel it is appropriate.

If you would like to discuss any particular concerns relating to your daughter, please contact her Head of House or Dr Jody Forbes, who leads the School’s counselling staff, via

The School has undertaken all required actions since becoming aware of this matter, including reporting it to Queensland Police Service and relevant child protection agencies. We are also undertaking our own internal inquiries.

The sexual abuse of any child is abhorrent and Brisbane Girls Grammar School stands with all victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.

The protection of all students is our utmost priority and the School’s detailed Child Protection Policy and Child Risk Management Strategy, which can be read here outlines how we do this.

We were deeply disturbed and saddened to learn of this situation and hope that we have an environment where our community do feel comfortable to come forward if they have any concerns.

Please know you can directly contact me, Chair of the Board of Trustees, via or Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, via at any time, should you wish to do so.

- Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh


Read related topics:Private schools

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